
Ten years after the formation of an exceptional group, Telluride Medical Center unveils a plaque Ten years ago, a group of local citizens recognized a need for capital equipment at the Telluride Medical Center and decided to take action. The Telluride Medical Capital Fund was formed...

Don’t you love when you ask a Telluride regular where they’ve hiked, and they respond,  “Just a Weibe.” The response insinuates that the Weibe isn’t a “real” hike, just a quick loop to do when you don’t have time to really get out. FYI, a...

In a decision this week, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) “deregulated” Monsanto’s genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” sugar beets, meaning that they can be commercially planted in the United States without restrictions. The decision follows several years of litigation and review. It is the Animal...

Editor's Note: In Kristin's absence, Telluride local Daisy Barth is assisting with her weekly blog.  All too soon, we ladies will be putting will be putting our straw hats back on the shelf. But for the chill of the autumn days to come, we might want...

Editor’s note: For those who may not have known the story, we introduced Indian Ridge Farm & Bakery   at the beginning of the summer season with a recipe from Barclay Daryani, co-owner. You can say “hi” to Barclay and husband Tony every Friday at...

This coming Sunday, July 29, the third annual Permaculture Design Intensive offered by the University Centers of the San Miguel begins just outside of town. Participating in a design course can be a life-changing, life- enhancing experience. I took my course at the Central Rocky...

Summer is finally here, and while most students are relishing their summer break from school, a select few are experiencing a Pinhead Institute Summer Internship. Founded in 2003, Pinhead's internship program enables students to spend summers studying science toe to toe with global scientific and industry...

Last week I put my 5-½ year old daughter, Mollie, in skateboard camp. I also posted a picture of it on Facebook. All comments and “likes” from the national and international pool of friends, both real and virtual, who make up my FB world proved...