
Western Colorado is about to transition from beautiful autumn conditions to winter weather this weekend.  Models lacked consensus the past week but now generally agree with differences in the details.  There is a deep long wave trough forming over the west with several NW systems...

My name is Calypso, and I speak for the trees.  Oh wait, that is the Lorax.  Start again…my name is Calypso and I speak for the cats.  Not sure how to speak feline?  The Humane Society of the United States has developed a tool to...

The live, national touring group, Imago Theatre, takes the stage with FROGZ! at the Palm on Sunday, November 17 at 3pm. FROGZ!, acclaimed for its special brand of acrobatics, comedy, and illusions, combines mime, dance, original music and special effects for an imaginative show sure...

[caption id="attachment_35910" align="alignright" width="300"] The Dance that is the Hue Morning Rush[/caption] Boots on the ground: nothing trumps local knowledge when we are planning an itinerary. The resounding success of our first trip to Thailand was thanks to help from our friends, Telluride locals who also live...

Here's a post from Lisa, from Retro Housewife Goes Green, and her suggestions for an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving will be here before we know it so I have put together some ideas and links to blog posts to help you prepare for an eco-friendly Thanksgiving. Having a...

Here's an interesting post that originally appeared in the Patients For Medical Cannabis blog, Marijuana Miracle: 5 Exciting New Discoveries About Pot: From The Economist: "If (Marijuana) were unknown, it's discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise it's potential for treating everything...

Chiang Dao: [caption id="attachment_35860" align="alignright" width="168"] Making Poopoo Paper[/caption] Sometimes it's not about turning caca into chocolate. Sometimes the caca is the chocolate – or in this case, the paper. Elephants consume, on average, 500 pounds of plant food and 42 gallons of water. Waste not. Want not. Heading...

Every year, Andy, the girls, and I venture over to the Roaring Fork Valley for Avalanche Ranch’s Apple Fest. Avalanche Ranch, which is run by some good friends, is slice of perfection in an imperfect world: it’s nestled at the base of Mt. Sopris and...