
[caption id="attachment_33886" align="alignright" width="150"] View from the Lodge proch[/caption] Enchanting rumors have long surrounded Dunton Hot Springs, the restored ghost town-turned-luxury resort. As of June, 2013, there is something substantive and new to talk about. On a recent summer day, we set out for lunch at Cresto...

[caption id="attachment_33811" align="alignright" width="300"] Zone 1 design[/caption] From week one at hot and dry Redlands Mesa to week two on Tomten Farm where both rain and temperatures fell, the fourth annual Permaculture Design Course was an exercise in adaptation and flexibility. Thirteen students, twelve permaculture principles,...

  [caption id="attachment_33803" align="alignleft" width="300"] Porter[/caption] Second Chance Humane Society has always taken a strong stance against de-clawing cats (which involves amputation of the first knuckle) as it is inhumane, painful, and can lead to long term suffering and negative behavioral changes in cats. We have found that...

[caption id="attachment_33757" align="alignright" width="300"] Tashi at work[/caption] Our Pinhead Institute is a science-based educational organization whose mission is to build science literacy by connecting people to the natural world through interactive educational programs taught by world-renowned scientists and enthusiastic educators, mentors, and volunteers. Each year, Pinhead,...

The Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis methods are complementary exercise methods that fall under one big umbrella, the Gyrotonic Expansion System. Both were developed by Juliu Horvath, an ethnic Hungarian and professional dancer from Romania. Horvath suffered a series of debilitating injuries during his dance career, and...

[caption id="attachment_33681" align="alignright" width="224"] Sandy in Deep Creek[/caption] This is Sandy. She is a 75-pound Pyrenees/Lab mix who has never met a leash she couldn’t chew through or a command she couldn’t ignore. She chases small animals and cars, but couldn’t care less about a bear...

“The discovery of natural gas and fracking technology give us about 40 more years. Whether good or bad, these buy us enough time to make solar work,” said Joseph Hupp, Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University. Porfessor Huff is referring to the time remaining on Earth’s...

It’s not easy to come up with an original Christmas gift for your dad when he’s in his 70s. After all, you’ve given him countless ties, books, and woodworking projects he doesn’t want. So when my husband Andy gave his dad Bob a backpacking trip...