Author: admin

We curated this recently published, just-the-facts-ma'am, (ergo sobering), article titled "A Vaccine Reality Check" written by Sarah Zhang for The Atlantic. Subtitle: "So much hope is riding on a breakthrough, but a vaccine is only the beginning of the end." Bottom line: Zhang's clear and...

Presented by the National Film Preserve, the Telluride Film Festival (TFF) recently released a letter officially cancelling the 47th edition of the event celebrated internationally for its dedication to the art, not the business, of filmmaking. TFF 2020 was originally scheduled for Labor Day Weekend,...

  [caption id="attachment_87160" align="aligncenter" width="220"] Grace Franklin, San Miguel County Public Health Director[/caption] Together July 23, 2020 I hope you are enjoying your summer in good health while continuing to adjust to our new normal. These last few weeks have been challenging for all of us as we’ve seen our...

The phase 3 trial of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine candidate for COVID-19 will enroll 1,000 at University of Colorado Hospital, 30,000 nationwide. We curated this article by Ted Neff from UCHealth Today. [caption id="attachment_88661" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The Moderna coronavirus vaccine trial in Colorado is due to start...

We curated this piece by Olivia Rosane from EcoWatch to, um, inject a positive note into your upcoming week. Results from the Phase 1 trial of Cambridge, Massachusetts biotech firm Moderna's coronavirus vaccine show it is safe and produces an immune response. The preliminary report of the...

For up to date coronavirus information visit here. [caption id="attachment_87160" align="aligncenter" width="220"] Grace Franklin, County Public Health Director.[/caption] Public Health officials are prioritizing the need for a safe learning environment, and are working with local schools to consider how to protect children in the age of COVID. Over...

For up-to-date coronavirus information visit here. Colorado Governor Jared Polis issued a statewide face mask order that will go into effect at 12 a.m. on Friday, July 17. The Executive Order will require everyone in Colorado over the age of 10 to wear a mask or other...

Telluride's Sheridan Arts Foundation promises to do all that it can to keep our community as safe as possible as staff looks forward to the summer season, implementing all CDC guidelines in and around the Sheridan Opera House. The venue's beautiful SHOW Bar is open...