Author: admin

Some like it hot! Ergo, here's to a smoking hot roll up to Telluride's no-holds barred Fourth of July celebration, an Art Party at the Telluride Transfer Warehouse – which is now owned and operated by Telluride Arts and belongs to the people of Telluride....

The Telluride Foundation awards $135,000 in scholarships to regional high school graduates. Most families are feeling the pinch of the soaring cost of college. The average in-state tuition and fees at public schools increased from $6,468 in the 2007-2008 academic year to $10,691 in 2017-2018, a...

In Telluride, the idea of "going to the dogs" is a good thing. Telluride is a puppy paradise. And, in the larger world, researchers have found that the very same hormone – oxytocin – spikes in both human and canine brains when a dog gazes...

Thanks to festival director Suzan Beraza and her tireless team, Mountainfilm 2019 was a festival of mind-expanding films, life-changing conversations, surprise musical performances, standing ovations for brilliant speakers– including media powerhouse Oprah Winfrey, soon to be a Telluride local once again. [caption id="attachment_81462" align="aligncenter" width="266"] Oprah...

Purchase your pass to the the 2019 Telluride Yoga Festival, Thursday, June 27 – Sunday, June 30. Learn more about the presenters here. View the schedule here. Scroll down to learn more about yoga instructor, Dr. of Oriental Medicine and Ayurvedic consultant Scott Blossom. Listen to his podcast. For more on...

A favorite writer, Adam Gopnik, published the following story titled "Can We Live Longer But Stay Younger," in the May 13th issue of  The New Yorker. Is aging a fact of life, inevitable, or is it a disease that can be cured? Apparently the new...

The Telluride Adaptive Sports Program (TASP) is pleased to present Operation Encore on Saturday, June 8, 8 p.m., at Telluride's historic Sheridan Opera House. (Doors open at 7 p.m.). Tickets, $25, available here. All proceeds from the event will benefit TASP, a local non-profit organization...