Author: admin

Part-time Telluride local Dr. Alan Safdi, a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine, posts on Telluride Inside… and Out under the banner of “To Your Health.” His blogs feature the most current information in his field: health, wellness,...

Purchase a pass to Mountainfilm. Donate here. For 41 years, people have gathered in Telluride over Memorial Day weekend to celebrate adventure, big ideas and indomitable spirit at Mountainfilm. This year, in light of COVID-19, that annual gathering will look a little bit different. With overwhelming...

In the Age of Corona, everyone is invited to the Masked Ball. Though all too many, at least here in Telluride, are showing up to the party mask-less. And sadly, even those with the best of intentions are (unknowingly) wearing their face-coverings incorrectly, so we...

The following is a sad note from Telluride Yoga Fest director, producer and co-owner Erika Henschel. It is my wish that this email finds you happy, healthy, and navigating these uncertain times with grace, love, and faith. This too shall pass. It has been our prayer and...

Request assistance here. Frequently Asked Questions about the local response to coronavirus. If you still have questions or need assistance, visit the County’s COVID-19 Response site or call their hotline for non-medical questions: 970-728-3844. If you have a medical question, or need non-urgent health care, call the medical center: 970.728.3848. If...

Request assistance here. Frequently Asked Questions about the local response to coronavirus. If you still have questions or need assistance, visit the County’s COVID-19 Response site or call their hotline for non-medical questions: 970-728-3844. If you have a medical question, or need non-urgent health care, call the medical center: 970.728.3848. If...

The snow is melting and bears are coming out of hibernation! In the spirit of being bear aware, Telluride Arts has opened submissions for the Telluride Arts District Bear Design Challenge. Telluride Arts invites anyone to re-create the signature Telluride Arts logo bear in their own,...

Join EcoAction Partners for an "Intro to Permaculture," Monday, April 20, 3:30 - 5 p.m. Zoom Meeting url here. Meeting ID= 814-358-1435. Wilkinson Public Library sign up here. Facebook event page here. Join EcoAction Partners on Monday, April 20 for "Intro to Permaculture," the next session...