18 Mar New Public Health Orders from San Miguel County
The following is a note from Mike Bordogna, San Miguel County Manager. Video link from meeting on 3/18/20.
Dear San Miguel County Businesses,
Please review the new Public Health orders for all of San Miguel County, that affect most businesses in our community beginning at midnight tonight. There are likely to be many questions as a result of these orders. We held a public meeting today at noon (video link above) to discuss those orders. We understand that these are difficult and potentially devastating to many businesses, and we regret that we must enact them. The positive news is that if we take swift and severe actions like we are proposing, we are likely to have greater success in saving lives and keeping our medical systems able to serve our community. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
How long is this for?
The new Public Health orders described today go into effect at 12:01am, 3/19/20 (Thursday) until 4/3/20 at midnight. They will be revisited by the BOCC at their regular meeting on 4/1/20.
Are the roads and public transit being shut down?
No, at this time there are no plans to close roads or barricade any community. Public transit will remain open, with decreased ridership available- intended for trips to medical/grocery and essential service visits only. The gondola however will be closed.
Are restaurants open? What about liquor stores/cannabis shops?
Restaurants are permitted to begin takeout and delivery of food on 3/18/20 at 3pm. The same goes for alcohol and cannabis stores. No bars or restaurants will allow customers in for dining or consuming.
What about second homeowners and visitors?
Second homeowners are strongly recommended to return to their primary homes unless they are prepared to shelter in place for up to a month without outside assistance. If they are able and interested in being here for an extended, unknown period of time, they may stay. Visitors are strongly encouraged to leave or not come to San Miguel County during this timeframe.
What if I have guests booked to some?
Property managers should not take new bookings/reservations until 4/3/20 and should help their guests leave ASAP, only with exception to emergency response agency support or if visitors are unable to leave.
Are the schools going to shut down?
No, the online learning that the schools have been doing will continue as well as the basic food assistance for some families in need.
What is considered and essential Business?
Please refer to page 7 of the attachment to see that list.
What is the new test that some people are talking about?
San Miguel County is implementing a County-wide voluntary test for COVID-19 and requesting all residents “shelter in place” beginning tonight at 12:01 am. In the next few days, we will get more details about when and how testing will occur. We are requesting we adhere to strict self-isolation and only essential personnel travel away from home during this timeframe.
We will continue updating this information. Please refer to the San Miguel Country COVID-19 webpage to stay informed.
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