12 Mar Rosemerry: Poem & Invite to BIG Poetry Reading, 3/19 – 3/20!
On March 19 & 20, join Telluride’s Word Woman Rosemerry Trommer and a huge host of other poets and storytellers for “Power of Poetry,” online this year. For info about how to stream the happening on You Tube, visithttps://www.ravensunpoetry.com/about
And for more poetic pearls from Rosemerry, go here.
Billy Collins/ Naomi Shihab Nye. Jack Ridl. Alison Luterman. David Lee. Luis Rodriguez. George Bilgere. Kari Gunter-Seymour. Valencia Robin. Sara About Rashed, David Duncan. Andrew Garfield (yes the very same who played Spiderman in Marvel’s 2012 & 2014 movies). Jon D. Lee. Will Hornyak. Bil Lepp. Eleanor Wilnor. And many, many others. Plus music, art and story.
Friday night will be ‘Educating the Heart’; Saturday night will be ‘Pathways to the Heart.’ Both nights free.
And now a word (or more) from the poetry happening’s local sponsor: Rosemerry:

Word Woman Rosemerry Trommer, courtesy reallife photographs.
Finding My Calling
with a line from “After the Japanese” by Jack Granath
A warm March day
and the blue sky
slips itself
into the list
of things to do,
and I would have to be
deaf or just plain stubborn
to not hear the call
to play outside—
and damn, but
I’m stubborn,
so the world
sends a bobcat,
a red-tailed hawk
and a whole herd of elk
to the yard.
What’s a busy woman
to do
but surrender?
I don’t.
Head down, I get
the work done.
I put on the blinders
of responsibility
until a poem says to me,
You do the right thing,
citizen, and my chest pounds
in urgent code:
that. means. you.
and I put down
the work and walk
into the day
to do my duty,
which is to meet the world
that will never
send an email,
the world
that will never knock,
will never call,
but will always
say welcome,
citizen, welcome.
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