
January 29 to February 5, 2009Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn  Evening: Venus "It feels like a fresh start with communicative Mercury turning direct on January 31, vivacious Venus firing into impulsive Aries on February 2, and assertive Mars moving into innovative Aquarius on the 4th. The...

January 8 to 15, 2009 Visible Planets: Morning: Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter Several astrological events of note take place this week: 1. The year’s first “super-moon” – which is a lunation that takes place when the Moon is both at perigee (its closest approach...

[click play button to hear Art Goodtimes interview]   Art & Rio I created “Doers” in February 1993, when Tony Daryani and Mike Ritchey asked me to write a weekly column for their newborn Telluride Daily Planet.   The column continued to appear every Friday during...