Alacazem 2009.08.27

Alacazem 2009.08.27

August 27 to September 3, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn

America's Most Accomplished Senator Enters in Dreamy Pisces and Exits in Virtuous Virgo

250px-US_Capitol_dome_Jan_2006 Ted_Kennedy,_official_photo_portrait_crop "For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die." – Senator Edward M. Kennedy

One of our country’s most famous, accomplished and influential politicians, Senator Ted Kennedy, passed from this world to the next in his Cape Cod home last Tuesday, Aug. 25th. Born Feb. 22, 1932, he died on a day when the Earth had reached a point in its yearly orbit around the Sun that was almost exactly opposite his own natal sun-sign degree, a point long ago associated by astrologers as a critical degree in one’s annual birthday to birthday solar cycle.

Today, modern astrology pays less attention to physical predictions of doom, gloom and possible death than it does to the more psychological, spiritual and emotional manifestations of planetary positions and aspects. One thing is certain, however, about Sun opposition Sun transits: we feel a certain amount of tension and pull, we are awakened to life’s inherent polarities and we are called upon to balance our perspectives, opinions, tendencies and behaviors with opposite views and forces. It’s the classical reflection of the internal self in the mirror of external relationship, the dance of inside with outside.

To be called to the other side, to cross the bridge from physical to spiritual and to move from one very familiar dimension to one that is virtually unknown on a day opposing the day of one’s birth is simple metaphysical magic. Two opposing doors – entrance and exit – in the long corridor we call life.

Another thing that strikes a harmonious astrological chord is that the Sun had just moved in to Virgo, sign of health, work, service and self-betterment. Teddy’s impressive list of legislative achievements in the areas of health care, civil rights, education, immigration and human rights stand as a result of his passion for and his service to humanity and the world – the Virgo ethic.

It is often said in astrological circles that we are born under one sign to understand its opposite. Life on Planet Earth is all about polarities. Day and night, light and dark, pain and pleasure, gain and loss, good and bad, peace and war, life and death. Whatever we do and wherever we go, we inherently and instinctively seek balance. It’s a natural, physical, metaphysical law. In Teddy’s case, the balance of his mystical, romantic Pisces soul with its hopes, dreams and ideals came in the form of a tenacious Virgo body, mind and spirit willing to show up, work hard and do whatever it took to get the job done. Thank you for your time and energy, your wisdom and insight, your compassion and love. May the dream live on!

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
The Sun has entered Virgo and it’s time to get serious about your health and well-being. Discuss ideas and brainstorm with people who are fit and in shape, happy and motivated to stay that way. It’s time to self-nurture and self-improve, even if that means making sacrifices and utilizing self-discipline. Establish routines and stick to schedules, one day at a time.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
A beautiful, aesthetically pleasing home environment brings great pleasure to you now. Spend time enhancing your domestic scene, being sweet to family and showing affection to those you live with. Smiles and laughter benefit everyone, look and the bright side and stay positive. Motivation to learn is strong, enroll in classes and become a student.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Motivator Mars has moved from Gemini to Cancer and in so doing, boosts self-esteem and propels you forward. Accepting responsibility for the condition of your relationships and life situation is an awesome act of self-empowerment. Identify the difference between what you can change – you – and what you cannot – others – and then go about doing it. 

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
The Virgo zodiac month is a time to think, plan, communicate and learn. Use your mind and mental abilities in the process of illumination and understanding. And remember to be practical, realistic and down-to-earth. Illusions of grandeur, all forms of dishonesty and self-aggrandizing schemes simply will not work. Be responsible and do the work.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Good news! Voluptuous Venus has just recently moved in to your sign, gifting you with an aura of seductive beauty and magnetic charm. Take extra time and effort to look and be your best. Smile and be sweet, laugh and relax in the magnificence surrounding you. This is an excellent time to negotiate, make up and turn enemies in to friends. 

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Friends motivate and stimulate you this week as pushy Mars moves in to your solar 11th house of fellowship. Go to meetings, join clubs and associate with people you respect and admire. Great gains come to those who recognize the effectiveness of social interactions and collective visions. Celebrate birthdays with quality rather than quantity. Be discreet.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
As mobile Mercury moves in to Libra, pay attention to internal dialogues and emotions generated by thought. Remember, it’s all in your head. Clean house and practice being impeccable with your word. Connect with people of like mind and spirit. Ask friends and associates for input regarding professional goals and projects. Enjoy what’s left of summer!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Professional pressure lessens and success stress dissipates as the Sun exits your solar 10th house of achievement for the friendship and common interest sector of your chart. This is where and when you pick and choose who you want to be with and be like. Remember, birds of a feather flock together and osmosis happens. Pursue the best.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Goals and achievements take center stage as seasonal energies shift and take shape. What are you doing on a daily basis to make your self, your life and your world better? Discuss ideas with friends you consider successful and connect with those who have what you want or admire. Financial security is an issue, balance equations and stick to budgets.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Summer’s last zodiac month stimulates higher-self awareness, spiritual consciousness and broader perspectives in general. Freedom and independence are essential to your happiness now. Consider and discuss career goals and professional ideas with partners. Sweet Venus favors financial negotiations and settlements. Focus on creative manifestation.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
The expansive, healing trio of planets – Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune – in Aquarius continues dissolving your resistance to self-betterment via healthy living and happy being. Partners and mates offer helping hands and loving embraces as you walk the road of sincerity, serenity and sobriety. It’s funny how good life can be if you accept it and enjoy it.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
As the Sun enters your solar 7th house of relationships, you move from one realm to another. Expect to be dealing with partners, mates and people to whom you are committed in some way. Focus on calm, diplomatic behaviors and negotiations as you admit your part and work toward joint, equitable solutions. Creative juices are flowing – channel desire in positive, productive ways. Create!

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