
September 2 to 9, 2010 Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and Saturn "Fillm" in Telluride and Returning to Revisit, Relax and Review Mercury is retrograde in Mercury ruled Virgo this week and will remain so until September 13th. Combined with a waning Moon,...

August 26 to September 2, 2010Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and SaturnMen and women, Mars and Venus, the masculine and feminine… Life is all about balance and polarity. Night and day, dark and light, good and bad, boy and girl. We are individual...

August 12 to 19, 2010Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and SaturnThe Perseid Meteor Shower peaks on the night of Aug. 12th/13th and I can hardly believe it. This perennial stellar event heralds, for me, the beginning of the end of summer – and...

July 22 to 29, 2010   Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn Summer Eclipse Cycles, Lion-Hearted Love and Evolutionary Fellowship On Sunday, July 25th @ 7:37 p.m. MDT, the July 11th New Moon solar eclipse cycle comes to fruition in the opposition...

July 15 to 22, 2010 Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn Mother Earth Embraces the Proud and Passionate Lion Summer is in full force as the Cancer zodiac month draws to a close. The sweltering heat sucks moisture from the land...