Alacazem 2009.09.03

Alacazem 2009.09.03

September 3 to 10, 2009

Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Mars   Evening: Mercury and Jupiter

The Virgo/Pisces Full Moon Polarity: Working to Make Dreams Come True

1 The Virgo/Pisces axis of the September 4th Full Moon illuminates the polarity between what we dream about and what we do. Hopes, dreams and visions, fantasy and imagination are all subjects in the Pisces kingdom. And across the deep, shining sea lies the land of Virgo – terra firma upon which the workers work to build the dream and manifest the vision, one day and one step at a time. 

 Pisces listens to celestial music, floats on clouds and swims in oceans of emotion while Virgo hears the hustle and bustle of progress, critiques the process and improves the product. Virgo is the sign of analysis and logic; Pisces is the sign of intuition and mysticism. Virgo corresponds to physical embodiment; Pisces relates to spiritual transcendence.

Throughout the Virgo zodiac month, we are called upon to focus, simplify and consolidate. We are asked to discern and sacrifice, take responsibility, cut the fluff and eliminate excess. It’s all about cleanliness and organization, self-esteem and self-improvement, good deeds and nutritious diets. Health is wealth. It’s a time to show up and get the proverbial job done.

1 As the Virgo Sun opposes the Moon moving through Pisces, we reflect upon where we are today – in this present moment – and whether or not we are actually working on making our Piscean dreams come true. Are we making progress or lost in illusions of grandeur? Are our egos out of control or are we simply connecting with the mysterious force of a higher calling? Is it denial and delusion or true desire and ultimate destiny?

This lunation provides plenty of room for analytical thought, critical discernment and practical action, but it gives equal space to romantic yearning, creative musing and otherworldly experience. Balance your head with your heart, practice compassion and loving-kindness, see the forest for the trees and stay on the path. Embrace the rosy glow of sunset, the twinkling stars of twilight and the mystical magic of following your dreams – just don’t forget the maps!

Happy Full Moon!

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
Full Moon energy illuminates the mystical possibilities behind the actual physical event or reality. Utilize both rational thinking and intuition as you examine current life circumstances and relationships. Communicate with partners, hike with friends and connect with family. Embrace the love and revel in the beauty of Mother Nature’s waning summer.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
The work goes on regarding professional change and adjustment. Great healing comes via positive, optimistic attitudes regarding achievement and career. Treat bosses and authorities with respect, let go of resentments and see the bigger picture. Lunar light shines on heartfelt friendship and common interest. Feel the love and follow the path.

(May 21-June 21)
Mars in your solar 2nd house of personal talents and resources motivates action regarding self-fueled desires and agendas. Utilize your natural ability to intuit the proper path as you accept responsibility for the status and condition of your life and relationships.  Be practical, pragmatic and realistic as you work toward dream manifestation and goal completion.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Full Moon energy enlightens thinking and encourages communication. Focus on solutions rather than problems, pay attention to details and do the work one step and one day at a time. Persistence and perseverance are allies now. Look at the bigger picture and shift into higher-self mode as you see the benefits of positive focus and productive action.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Recent solar and lunar eclipses in your sign shook the trees of self and rattled the cages of relationship. Now it’s time to pick up the pieces and reconstruct the puzzles. Pay attention to the shapes and sizes of each and every person you encounter as you rebuild structures and reform daily routines. Character is destiny. Be the best you can be.

(Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Your happy birthday month awards you with a Moon full of hopes, dreams and visions. Pay attention to intuition and follow your heart. Temper analysis with acceptance and look for the mystery and magic behind seemingly coincidental events and experiences. Consider the unlimited potential and possibilities of the Universe, and then make a wish.

(Sep. 23-Oct.22)
Venus in Leo opens your heart to the power of friendship and camaraderie as Mars in Cancer pushes you toward career goals and professional achievements. Pursue accomplishment and stay on task. Ask your angels for guidance and assistance as you turn over what you cannot control. Release expectation and let go of outcomes.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
A romantic desire or heartfelt effort comes to fruition as the Moon grows full. Balance idealism with realism as you stay on task and accept people, places and things as they are now. Work with others in the manifestation of mutually held goals and visions. Lead by example and show up on time. Clarity intentions, delineate responsibility and maintain the dream.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
You may feel a little stress and strain regarding personal and professional responsibilities this week. Ask for help and assistance from outside sources but be willing to accept responsibility for your current status and situation. Lunar light illuminates your life path and the choices you’re making upon it. Consider change and identify how.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Forgive yourself and others for trying to control the uncontrollable. Let of your attachment to the outcome and focus on doing what you can in the moment. Present life living is what it’s all about now. Look for the mystical in the mundane and see the magic behind the mystery. Everything happens for a reason and acceptance it the answer.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
The awakenings and awareness that came with this summer’s eclipse series in Leo/Aquarius has placed you on a path of fresh focus and new ideals. Health and healing are major themes in your life now. Be attentive to what you eat, breathe and drink. As you embark upon the road of expanding horizons, you are the chooser. Make the next right choice.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
The Virgo/Pisces lunar fruition shines light in to your heart and soul. Feel the power of the Sun and Moon as they pull the tides and push the rivers. Recognize your personal interconnectedness with all that is. Breathe in the breath of Mother Nature and go with life’s ever-present flux and flow. Relax and enjoy exactly where you are today, it’s where you need to be.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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