Alacazem 2009.07.16

Alacazem 2009.07.16

July 16 to 23, 2009
Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter  Evening: Saturn

Cosmic Cancer Eclipse Energy: Let Mother Nature Nurture

DSC01561 This week, on July 21st, we experience the celestial event of a New Moon total solar eclipse [it will not be visible in North America] at 29º 26’ Cancer. The recent June 22nd New Moon also took place in Cancer – at 01º 30’ – and the Full Moon lunar eclipse of July 7th came to fruition at 15º 24’ Cancer/Capricorn. That’s a lot of Cancer/Capricorn action and reaction, motion and emotion!

Two consecutive New Moons in the same sign is highly significant, and because these two lunations bracket a lunar eclipse and one of them is a New Moon total solar eclipse, it represents a mega-message for the collective regarding the themes and issues of the sign involved. It's as if the cosmos blasts energy and information via experiences, events and circumstance to the people here on Planet Earth.

I’ve written quite a bit recently about the mother/father, parent/child, home and family themes of Cancer/Capricorn. The recent death of pop icon Michael Jackson and his entire life story constellates the paradox and polarities inherent in our basic need to be loved, nurtured and protected versus the desire to be the authority, the ruler, the one in charge and in control of ourselves and others. These very basic instincts seem to easily get out of whack and out of balance when we ignore life’s most simple necessities, joys and pleasures.

I, for one, am happy to live close to nature, amidst the majestic Rocky Mountains. I appreciate the morning sunrise and the stunning magnificence of a western sunset. I’m lucky to have a few bluebird pairs that come back to the bluebird boxes we built for them at our ranch every year. I can monitor their eggs and watch the baby bluebirds learn to fly outside my kitchen window. Our spruce trees bud and grow each season. I see the aspen change from green to golden. We travel to national forests and hot springs when we can and soak in healing waters. I am blown away by the vast resources and magical gifts given to us, for free, by the mother of us all, our natural mother, the Mother Earth.

These Cancer lunations and eclipses are directing our attention to the concept of caretaking and taking care of. It all gets down to looking and determining how well we are taking care of ourselves. How are we taking care of our bodies, our souls and our spirits? How well are we self-nurturing? Have we lost touch with nature and the abundant power of natural, physical and metaphysical healing?

I was lucky to have a free-roaming childhood with happy, healthy brothers and sisters. And, although there's plenty of room for improvement, I am pretty healthy today. I know I am blessed and I'm thankful. And I am very, very grateful. Thank you, Mother. Thank you, Father. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr.19)
The last few weeks have delivered experiences and exchanges that have changed the way you feel and now it’s time to deal. A period of self-indulgence has ended and you are embarking upon a fresh path of self-improvement. Travel and communication with friends opens your eyes to the world and it’s many opportunities. Seek light beyond the horizon.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
Motion and action continue as Mars and Venus stimulate thought and encourage self-motivation. Recognize the power of choice and make well-informed, good ones. Laughter is an ally as you see the humor in your and other’s situations. A once presented career opportunity reappears. Put family first as you weigh options and do what feels best.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
You may have been a bit stressed or emotional about your financial situation lately, and this week’s solar eclipse illuminates options and encourages action. Worry doesn’t help, but action does. Stay busy and move in the directions that feel good. Utilize talents in the most efficient and effective ways possible. Think less and move more.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)
The July 21st solar eclipse in the last degree of your sign signifies an important physical and metaphysical personal ending and new beginning. Take a review of your life and health – body, mind and spirit. Determine where you can benefit from self-bolstering and self-love. Be kind and gentle with yourself, breathe deep and nurture inner peace.

Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
Your Happy Birthday month begins shortly following the July 21st solar eclipse, portending a year of great personal significance regarding self-awakening and self-awareness. Possibilities glimmer and glow as you see the multi-colored rainbows of relationships shimmering all around you. Forgive others and move forward. Let go of attachment and be free.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Once again, the people with whom you associate influence how you feel about yourself and actually seem to dictate your sense of health and well-being. Fortunately, you no longer choose to be involved in negative, abusive relationships and are moving in healthier circles. Expand contacts with support groups and individuals with whom you share common goals.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct.22)
An extended period of emotionally fueled professional concern ends with this week’s solar eclipse. Understand and know that everything happens for a reason. Acceptance is the answer to all your problems today. People, places and things exist exactly as they are and the only thing you can effectively change is you. Take action and do the next right thing.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Eclipse energy encourages new physical, emotional and spiritual horizons. The universe is attempting to uplift and inspire growth via travel, education and exploration. The world is small or huge, depending on your perspective. See the value and power of perception. Use your mind to create, rather than destroy. Take the high road and choose joy.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Matters of joint finance or investment, intimacy and sexuality, as well as death and inheritance dance together as you process recent events and current circumstances. A long period of fear-based thinking is ending. Focus on gratitude and count your blessings. You have many options and the world is your oyster. Stay positive and explore options.

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Relationship renewal is a major theme this week as eclipse energy favors fresh starts and new beginnings with others. You no longer want to indulge in emotionally difficult or dysfunctional behaviors. It’s time to forgive yourself and heal wounds. Determine how you can be your own best friend, and in the process, be an honest, compassionate partner.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This week offers many opportunities for self-awakening and self-awareness. Open your heart to the multi-faceted jewels of spirit. Walk your talk and cultivate compassion. Be impeccable with your word and refrain from hurting others. Forget about the past and embrace the present. Focus on self-betterment and let go of resentment. Live free.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
A late degree Cancer solar eclipse encourages new beginnings with children and supports creative relationships in general. Feel your heart and listen to its wisdom. Follow intuition and cultivate strength of spirit. Discover the child within and have fun. Get up early and seize the day. And don’t forget to ask your angels. You are surrounded by love.

Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @

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