
May 1 to 8, 2014  Visible Planets:Morning: Venus, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter Following several cool days and very cold nights, with highs in the 40’s and lows in the 20’s, it has finally warmed up. The weather today was glorious. I am encouraged. For...

April 17 to 24, 2014    Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn  Evening: Mars, Jupiter After a quick trip to Denver, I’m back home, back in the saddle, attending inside to basil, tomato and pepper starts; outside watering lettuce and spinach sprouts, raking freshly cut grass-hay in...

April 3 to 10, 2014   Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn  Evening: Jupiter  Last year at this time, I was writing about the same thing I am writing about today – the Pluto-Uranus square and the wild, celestial battle it constellates in our ethereal...