27 Jun ALACAZEM 2014.06.26
June 26 to July 3, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus Evening: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Here we are, on the brink of summer’s first New Moon. Taking place in sweet and nurturing Cancer, sign of the Mother, the Mother Earth and the Cosmic Womb from which all is created and given birth, Cancer energy is the heart and soul of where we come from and how we got to where we are today. It characterizes our emotional body and soul, our childhood, family of origin, home and place or environment in which we live or have lived. Mom, home and apple pie, the 4th of July – our country and our birthright – all ruled by Cancer. And with this week’s Cancer New Moon, we start out once again on the road of feeling and healing; the road of self-care, self-nurturing and self-salvation. It is here we awaken to our inner life, our deepest wounds and darkness, as well as the illuminating light of spirit, creativity, joy and happiness. It is here we find our greatest strength and courage, embrace the child within and offer this young, innocent child the love, compassion, security and kind-heartedness we may not have received as children. After all, what we can feel, we can heal…
And on a less personal, more universal plane, Stephanie Austin’s article in the June/July 2014 Mountain Astrologer on the June 27th Cancer New Moon is superb. It is so good, in fact, that I’m compelled to quote her words rather than write my own.
“Nights are blackest on a New Moon; we can’t see the Moon since it rises and sets with the Sun. We’re in the dark, in the fertile Void from which all comes. Much is happening internally, below the surface of our awareness. It’s a time to pause, reflect and receive new light codes coming from the Cosmos. In modern Western societies, turning inward and being in the dark is not often encouraged, but when we do this, we are able to perceive new options and pathways…
Cancer is the sign most associated with feminine and the development of the emotional body, both of which have been brutally denigrated and suppressed in patriarchal times. Males have been deemed more valuable than females, logic more important than feelings, power more desirable than partnership…this New Moon calls us to make a perceptual shift in how we view ourselves, each other and the world.
Cancer is the first water sign and represents the realities of that element – that water and life are inseparable, on both a physical and metaphysical level. Water corresponds with feelings; both must flow. Stagnant water breeds disease, and repressed feelings can also make us ill. Feelings are intimately tied to our needs and inform us whether or not those needs are being met. We all have needs, not only for food and shelter, but also for creativity, community and much more. When we suppress our emotions, we block a flow of information vital to our well-being. Cut off from our source of knowing what we need and what is healthy for us, we become dependent on others for validation and direction. When we don’t know what we need, we can’t get what we want and we get lost in addictions and distractions of all kinds.”
May your inner goddess nurture, comfort, love, protect, guide and direct you toward outer serenity and inner peace. Blessings and good luck…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The first official week of summer is full of challenge, awakening, new territory and old patterns. While all you want to do is break out and be free, you must recognize that what you left undone must now be taken care of. Patience is not easy for “me first” adventurous Rams, but it is essential and absolutely imperative for success. Cultivate a one day at a time attitude and approach. Focus on finishing what you started.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Mercury retrograde in the sign it rules – Gemini – is always crazier and more complex than its backward transit through other signs. Because this effect is taking place in your solar 2nd house of personal resources, money and values, you may be rethinking and reassessing exactly what you find meaningful and important to you in life. Relationships continue to teach lessons and call for patience. Good luck!
Gemini (May 20-June 20) If you’ve been feeling cuckoo, confused and like you are going in too many directions at once, forgetting what you’re doing and who you need to call, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Planetary aspects are complex these days and with your ruler Mercury retrograde in your sign, the sky is the limit. Just remember, words starting with the prefix “re” are favored. Revise, replace, return, reconnect, redo…and at the end of the day, relax!
Cancer (June 20-July 22) As your birthday month begins, take a deep breath and count your blessings. The Mother Earth is always here to comfort, guide and direct you. A natural life is the best life and if we lose touch with nature, ultimately, we get in trouble. Physical strength comes from good food, fresh air and exercise. Good spirit comes from living right, loving yourself and others and doing the next right thing, Happy, happy new year!
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Love planet Venus in your solar 11th house of friends and fellowships, brotherhood and sisterhood, paves the way to a happy week of pleasure, romance and inspiration via interactions with people you admire and share common interest. Get out and about; seek camaraderie in groups and gatherings. Smile and keep your heart open to the new and different. Enjoy the magic of laughter and the sweetness of summer.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) The first full week of summer showers the Virgin with new hope and fresh visions for the future. Questions and relative confusion regarding relationships, finance and romance fade away in the brilliant light of awareness and the understanding that all is as it should be. Cultivate the calming sense of peace via meditation, prayer and acceptance. The last week of Mercury retrograde is a time to finish and fix. Do your best.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Mars continues its march through the middle degrees of Libra this week, stimulating activity and fueling fires of desire. Physical energy and strength are good now; just don’t overdo it when it comes to labor or late nights out. Balance is your keystone; make sure you get plenty of rest. Also find time to appreciate and enjoy the magnificent beauty of summer. Self-discipline comes easy, use it well and wisely.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Radical rebel planet Uranus in Aries challenges conservative master Saturn in Scorpio this week, demanding that you make a major attitude adjustment when it comes to yourself and others. Themes of self-importance, self-will and self-pity must be addressed. Remember the Buddhist dictum “do no harm” and examine whether or not you are living in accordance to it. For yourself and others. Make love not war.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) As Mercury stations direct and summer sizzles forward, relationships deepen and you open to the nurturing power of love. Embrace compassion and be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Warrior mentalities and behaviors must be softened and cushioned with wisdom. A true bodhisattva cultivates the courage of an open heart and takes off the armor of defense fueled by fear.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Summer solstice marks the beginning of the second half of your solar year, when your focus shifts from self to other. It’s a time of increasing social interaction and involvement, when you feel pulled up and out of your cocoon, into the world. Spread your wings and fly, there is much to discover and explore. Professional motivation continues, pursue career options and make connections. Keep the ball rolling.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Voluptuous Venus in your solar 5th house of love and romance, creative expression and pursuit has you feeling more amorous and adventurous than usual. It’s time to have fun, laugh, enjoy life and explore your universe. Prepare yourself for a change of heart as Mercury resumes forward motion July 1st – remain open and willing to follow your dreams. Spirits and angels surround you now. Tap into invisible forces.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Family relationships and domestic issues do a turn-around as Mercury resumes forward motion in your solar 4th house of the home. You may also feel powerful inner emotional shifts as new information illuminates situations and conditions of those closest to you. Feel the power of love in and all around you. Follow your heart.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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