
Last month a beloved Utah K9 named Storm died due to complications from ingestion of a weed. Not the cannabis kind, also be deadly to your dog, but from the simple foxtail – a weed prevalent in this region. Read below for tips about how to...

My name is Mango. I wanted to share reason #782 about why you should adopt a cat rather than a dog. (Like you really needed another reason… I mean come on just look at those drooling beasts!) [caption id="attachment_76921" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Mango[/caption] Another way that cats are...

My name is Sadie. Before my housemates and I arrived here at Second Chance we lived in a small house with far too many dogs. There were dogs just everywhere I turned and only one elderly person trying take care of us all. She did...

So here is my beef. Why is young love referred to as “puppy love”? Just because we cats don’t shower our people with sloppy kisses doesn’t mean we aren’t affectionate – we are just cooler about it. If you haven’t learned to appreciate the more...

To wrap up this four-part series offering tips for finding a lost pet, one of the more important points I would like to emphasize is to not give up searching too quickly. [caption id="attachment_76349" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Smokey[/caption] Pet parents who succumb too soon to thoughts their pets...

Hi my name is Penquin. As a formerly “lost cat,” I am wrapping up this Second Chance Humane Society Pet Column series on tips on how to find your lost pet. I am following up last’s weeks "Psyche of the Lost Dog" with a little Freudian...

The Second Chance Humane Society Pet Column continues on the topic of tips on finding a lost pet. Last week we discussed the immediate steps you should take should your pet get lost. Today I am going to help you understand the unique personality of a...

Being a lost pet really is frightening and traumatizing for both the pet and the pet parent. As we are in the height of “lost pet season” (there are lost pet reports coming in to the shelter almost daily right now) the Second Chance Pet...

To some, the thought of a film festival all about dogs is met with a laugh or snark. Others, however embrace and cheer such an event. I have to say, as a homeless dog, thank goodness for the latter group. They are the ones who...

Dear Mr. Rob Story, The Watch columnist of the spanking new column Dropping In, It was with escalating interest that I read your new column entitled “To Kill a Magpie” in last week’s edition of The Watch. Your struggles with the squawking crazed beast in the form...