
Recently there was an interesting article in National Geographic (April 2014) about wild/exotic pet ownership . The story discussed the motivation that drives people to own such pets as lions, kangaroos, lemurs, pythons, and more. (The piece also strongly emphasized the array of negative impacts upon the...

When I first arrived here at the Second Chance Resource Center I was fed, nurtured and vaccinated.  Although this is the typical protocol at most shelters, I find that out here in the fresh mountain air people seem more laid back than in other places I have...

In a recent Huffington Post article, Robbie Couch explores how pets bring people together and a whole host of other fun facts about how your pet may be affecting your dating life. If you're single and ready to mingle, run to your local animal shelter. Now. A...

Animals, just like people, are at our best when our minds and bodies are kept active. At Second Chance Humane Society, the shelter staff does a lot to keep us engaged, happy, healthy, and, well-behaved (and are thus adopted more quickly).  Sounds like a lot...

Did you know that a dog's nose is like a fingerprint.  Alex Lieber, writes about using nose prints for dog identification in this brief albeit interesting article in Look at your dog's nose – did you know that there's literally no other nose like it?...

Hi my name is Ellie McNelly and I am excited to invite the whole community to attend a “Ribbon Chewing Ceremony” on Saturday, June 7, from 1-3 p.m. to commemorate the opening of the new dog facility, The Dog Den, at Second Chance Humane Society’s...

In this article by Dr. Debra Primovic, one of the great veterinarians at Pet Place, discusses how pet insurance works: Have you ever wondered "How does pet insurance work?  If you have been confused by pet insurance, you're not alone. There are at least 14 companies...

Yes, Second Chance’s new dog facility, the Dog Den, is just about complete. That means more dogs than ever before will be rescued and awaiting adoption through Second Chance – which also means a much greater need for more dog adoptions. After reading a blog from a 16-year-old journalist in...

This week’s Pet Column contributed by Second Chance’s resident veterinarian Michelle Dally of Dally Veterinary Medicine, who wanted to educate our Pet Column readers directly from her experiences with the pro bono veterinary treatment she provides on regular basis here at Second Chance Humane Society. ...

As a fairly recent arrival here at Second Chance I’ve noticed that a lot of dogs end up here because their people let them run loose. Luckily many loose dogs are picked up off highways by concerned people and delivered to animal shelters like Second...