
Dear Pet Column, One of my cats passed away a few weeks ago and my remaining cat appears to be sad and lonely – should I get another cat to cheer him up? Sincerely, Lonely Cat Momma Dear LC, Sorry for your loss.  And yes, the confusing myth of...

A new study suggests dogs use facial expressions to communicate with people. The story by Hilary Hanson was curated by and published in The Huffington Post. It might seem pretty obvious to dog lovers, but researchers have found scientific evidence suggesting that dogs use facial expressions...

I love October. Not because it brings pumpkins, Halloween costumes (not my favorite mode of dress!), or crunchie leaves to roll around in (love that!). It is because, for millions of dogs, October brings the promise of a better life. Welcome to Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month, when...

Dear Pet Column, One of my cats passed away a few weeks ago and my remaining cat appears to be sad and lonely. Should I get another cat to cheer him up? Sincerely, Lonely Cat Momma [caption id="attachment_69630" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Savannah[/caption] Dear LC, Sorry for your loss. And yes, the confusing...

Dear Pet Column, I have not heard any word on animal rescue efforts in Puerto Rico. I know communication channels to the island have been devastated, but do you have any news on what appears to be the “forgotten island?” Sincerely, Worried for PR Pets [caption id="attachment_69565" align="aligncenter"...

Dear Pet Column, Lately I have been annoyed by other people’s pets behaving badly, although the reality is it is the pet’s people who are behaving badly. I wonder if more people would wants pets if pet owners followed better etiquette. Sincerely, Seeking Petiquette [caption id="attachment_69448" align="aligncenter" width="547"] Arvin[/caption] Wow...

Dear Pet Column, I have a confession. My best friend is a dog. I know the old saying: “Dog is man’s best friend” should not be taken literally but I truly feel it is true for me although I won’t admit it to my people friends....

I am Luna, which means moon.  I am not sure why I got named after that celestial body, but I really like my handle. Once I met a dog named Booger; I am certainly glad I did not get his name. [caption id="attachment_69133" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Luna[/caption] Anyway, I am a dog, but this week's column is actually...

Dear Pet Column, I have been seeing images of all too many animals impacted by Hurricane Harvey. What can I do to help? I would be willing to drive to Houston and bring some animals to Second Chance. Sincerely, Worried about Wet Animals [caption id="attachment_69011" align="aligncenter" width="350"] Tucker[/caption] Dear Worried. You...