
Dear Pet Column, I was thinking of getting my boyfriend a new puppy for Christmas. Whenever we go hiking or skiing he mentions how great it would be to have a dog. He seems to like Labs best, but I am wondering if I adopt a...

A lonely kitten is hiding in a ditch, left to fend for himself. The sun is sinking. He is cold, frightened, hungry, and generally miserable. A woman jogs by and the kitten decides to squeak out a plea for help. She hears him. Her arms are warm and...

Hi my name is Keaghan. I’m a 10- year-old Border Collie without a home. That just sounds so wrong, right?!?  Like getting along in years isn’t bad enough – let’s just take your home away too…  Well good thing November is Adopt-A-Senior Shelter Pet Month. [caption id="attachment_62481" align="aligncenter"...

My name is Glory, a homeless dog here at the Second Chance Humane Society Shelter. I am one of many pets who arrived without any identification, making it pretty difficult for me to be returned to my family. The lesson of the Pet Column today:...

According to data from a comprehensive annual report, the American Pet Products Association (APPA) announced that overall spending for 2015 came in at a record $60.28 billion. The document covered pet spending in market categories of food, supplies/over-the-counter (OTC) medications, veterinary care, and other services. The increase is accredited...

Have you hugged your veterinarian lately? Can you imagine a world without them? We sure can’t here at Second Chance Humane Society… So to honor all those veterinarians who keep pets like me healthy, I am asking you reflect on your personal veterinarian visit etiquette. [caption id="attachment_62139" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Frankie[/caption] Let’s start...

Eric O'Grey’s life had hit rock bottom. His weight had ballooned to 320 pounds and he was spending more than $1,000 a month on medications for high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol. [caption id="attachment_62058" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Candy could rescue you like Peety rescued...

Dear Pet Column, I have a mellow medium-sized dog who has never interacted with cats. I decided that I am ready to adopt a cat and wondering what is the best and safest way to bring a new feline pet into my home? Sincerely, Cautious Cat Adopter [caption id="attachment_61996" align="aligncenter" width="600"]...

Dear Pet Column, Is it true that one dog year is equal to seven people years? Sincerely, Agitated About Age [caption id="attachment_61783" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Cuddles[/caption] Dear Agitated, What a fabulous question. My name is Cuddles. I am a two- year-young (people years) Yorkie mix female here at Second Chance and the host for...

Dear Pet Column, I am very tempted to come to the Second Chance Shelter to adopt a dog, but have never had a dog before and feel overwhelmed about picking the right one. Please help. Signed, Doggie Dazed [caption id="attachment_61498" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Finn[/caption] Dear Dazed, You ask a great question. Although homeless...