
As a young, happy, and healthy (albeit homeless) puppy it is hard for me to believe you people need to dedicate the entire month of April to the Prevention of Animal Cruelty. In this region where animal lovers are abundant and a vibrant lifestyle incorporates playing in...

Dear Pet Column, With so many varying choices, opinions, and price ranges related to the best type of food to feed a pet how do I choose? – Dizzy Diet Decider [caption id="attachment_49747" align="aligncenter" width="600"] King[/caption] Dear Dizzy, You asked a great question and we will do our best, with the...

My name is Hobbes and I asked to write the Pet Column this week so I could share how completely astonished and transformed I was by the generosity, support, and overwhelming enthusiasm I witnessed at last week’s Second Chance Wine & Whiskers Weekend. It was...

The Second Chance staff and volunteers are running around like manic bobbleheads this week murmuring words like “whine (or is it wine?),” “whiskers,” “auction,” and “fashion” instead of “sit” and “stay.” I am not sure what is going on but they are saying it is all being done for...

My name is Hercules, a homeless pet here at Second Chance and a student of the Second Chance Enrichment Program. Many people are unfamiliar with this program, unique to our area and to animal welfare in general, so I wanted to introduce it in this...

Dear Pet Column, We are a group of Telluride Middle School students who have chosen Second Chance as the nonprofit organization we want to support through our service learning project. We really connect to the part of your mission that promotes the human-animal bond and wrote...

Dear Pet Column, I was trying to clip my dog’s toenails and clipped too short and caused some heavy bleeding. I panicked and despite the very late hour, called my veterinarian who was not happy because the situation turned was really not a late-night emergency.  So I need...

Dear Pet Column, My dog gets kind of freaked out whenever I have to leave him – what can I do to get him to chill out and know I will be back? - Anxious Doggie Daddy [caption id="attachment_48640" align="aligncenter" width="367"] Eva[/caption] Dear Anxious, Despite being a recent author...

Dear Pet Column, can you recommend some good Valentine gift ideas for my animal loving boyfriend?  - Sincerely, Drifty Gifty   [caption id="attachment_48516" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Mae West[/caption] Hi Drifty, Ahhhh, Valentine’s Day the perfect day for snuggling, petting, kissing, and purring – but really so is every day. I...