15 Jul Second Chance: Wag-A-Thon Kickoff
As a precursor to Second Chance’s first annual Bow Wow Film Festival taking place in August (details below), Second Chance Humane Society is hosting a Wag-A-Thon to promote healthy living with your dog.
Through the Wag-A-Thon, you can get motivated to hit the trails with your dogs while simultaneously saving lives. My name is Jewel, a Second Chance Shelter dog helping to promote this event because I LOVE hiking!
The event is simple. Just pick up a Wag-A-Thon pledge form at the Telluride or Ridgway Thrift Shops (or download at adoptmountainpets.org) and start gathering pledges for $$$ for every mile you walk with your dog. (By downloading the Wooftrax.com app, you can track your miles with your dog and keep using the app all year to raise more money for second chances).
The Wag-A-Thon kickoff in Telluride takes place Monday July 27, 9 a.m., at the base of the Gondola where you can get your event T-shirt (for $50 or more of pledges) and join a group hike. After that (regardless of whether or not you make the Kickoff event) keep track of your miles through August 20 and post your progress with pictures of you and your dog on Facebook and Instagram hiking for second chances.
Thursday August 20 will be the final group Wag-A-Thon hike. That begins with all sorts of fanfare, fun dog games and contests, in Telluride’s Elks Park. Prizes for most money raised, most miles walked, pledges gathered, and most social media posts will be announced during the Bow Wow Film Festival (Telluride) that evening at the Sheridan Opera House.
You can learn more about the Bow Wow Film Festival, an event developed to “celebrate, educate and inspire all things doggie through the art of short films” at bowwowfilmfest.com.
The schedule for the Festival is as follows:
Ouray: Friday August 14th – Wright Opera House @ 7:00 PM
Telluride: Thursday August 20th – Sheridan Opera House @ 6:00 PM (includes silent auction before films)
Ridgway: Friday August 21st – Sherbino Theatre @ 7:00 PM
No dog to walk? No problem! Just partner with a Second Chance dog like me (or just adopt me, as I will keep you hiking all year long with my enthusiasm and big smile. Wooftrax.com allows you to create a virtual dog to hike with! So join the Wag-A-Thon today and get those tails wagging!!!
Tickets are $12 advance/$15 door and $6 for kids 12 and under and available at Second Chance’s Ridgway or Telluride Thrift Shops or bowwowfilmfest.com. Call 970.62.2273 for more information.
p.s. I am being fostered through the Adoption Ambassador Program in Telluride right now so look for me out and about town and trail!
Editor’s note: It’s no secret. The Telluride region is dog heaven. Well, pet heaven. Unless you are one of our furry friends who gets caught in the maw of neglect and abuse. Then heaven is on hold until Second Chance Humane Society comes to the rescue. Second Chance is the region’s nonprofit dedicated to saving animals’ lives and promoting responsible pet parenting and human-animal bond. In her weekly blog, executive director Kelly Goodin profiles at least one, generally two of the many animals now living at the no-kill shelter, Angel Ridge Shelter, a dog and a cat, hoping to find them loving permanent homes. The column is sponsored by Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch & Kennel, who from time to time exercises his skills as a dog whisperer, partnering with Kelly and her staff to help train a particularly challenging animal.
By the by, there is no better place to park your pup than Cottonwood whenever you head out of town (for locals) or are heading to town and staying somewhere that does not allow pets. Consider joining Ted’s Very Important Dog (VID) Club for added benies. (Details on Ted’s website.)
Second Chance Humane Society Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shop are both located in Ridgway, but service San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties. Call the SCHS Helpline at 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about the SCHS Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, Feral Cat, or other Programs. View the shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org
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