19 Dec Second Chance: Season of Love & Light
Second Chance Humane Society Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shops service San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties. Call the SCHS Helpline at 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about the SCHS Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, Feral Cat, or other Programs. View shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org.

Here at Second Chance Humane Society we are closing the year with our hearts filled with gratitude and humility, while also feeling energized by great optimism for 2019. The Second Chance folks and I are feeling most fortunate to be part of such a compassionate, caring community. But we are also pushing for more.
Read on if you are up for a challenge.
Mahatma Gandhi was said to have spoken the words, “You can judge the morality of a nation by the way the society treats its animals.” I believe you can judge the morality of a community in this same manner and our extended community is getting it right as Second Chance enters its 25th year of community support. However, there are still some gaps to fill and that is what Second Chance is targeting for 2019.
Gandhi also said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” So in this vein, I challenge you to join Second Chance in becoming the change for 2019. Help someone, some being, help yourself – just help, help create the change that is so desperately needed on our planet.
For our part, Second Chance will be furthering its mission “Saving Animals & Promoting the Human-Animal Bond” and you are most welcome to join us in any capacity you choose.
Pets have the power to change lives and that is what Second Chance will continue investing in for 2019 with community outreach programming for people and pets that most need us. Our wish is that whatever change you pursue may it be grounded in love and connection rather than fear and exclusion.
As for me, I am filled with sincere appreciation as this Season of Light is upon us. Truth is, I may not even be alive if not for people like you. Sounds morbid and dramatic but it is true. Without this community’s support for second chances like mine, who knows where I would be…
But this is also time to look forward. I am hopeful that 2019 begins with me in a new forever home.
My name is Raisin. I am a lovely, young homeless female feline. My letter to Santa read something like this: “Dear Santa – please bring me a loving family in a loving community in a loving world.” I should also add, for potential adopters that although I am quite shy at first I am a loud purrer and when snuggled, I get so happy and relaxed I tend to dwool, I mean drool, while making funny growly noises.
Wishing you warm and fluffy holidays. And, on behalf of Second Chance Humane Society, thank you for making a difference – let’s keep it up. Bring it 2019.
Lainey Levitt
Posted at 11:24h, 20 DecemberThank You Second Chance
for Everything that you do
to make Our Planet a most
Harmonious and Loving
Thank You as well for
having your Rescues Share and Speak for themselves to their potential FOREVER ones…