
Here's a post from Lisa, from Retro Housewife Goes Green, and her suggestions for an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving will be here before we know it so I have put together some ideas and links to blog posts to help you prepare for an eco-friendly Thanksgiving. Having a...

The fat lady has sung and the time has come for climate deniers to face the music. Based on 117 years of research, the 5th Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2013 Report concluded: "It is extremely likely [95 percent confidence] more than half of the observed...

This fall, “off-season” is a misnomer in Telluride; it’s on. Snow from September did not melt away as it usually does. Instead, it still lingers on the surrounding peaks. October storms piled on top of the early layers and cold temperatures have not only preserved most...

Halloween is coming up soon! That means trick-or-treating, making a costume, carving pumpkins, and eating candy (of course!). Here are a few suggestions to “green” your Halloween and save money too! 1. Share costumes – source locally – make your own! Local resources for creative and...

The gift certificate sounded like a good thing to bid on at the time: a farm lunch at Sutcliffe Vineyard with a wine tasting. How romantic, I thought, as I scribbled my name down on the bid sheet. The night was still young at the...

When most people think about hunting, they picture a bunch of dudes in camouflage pants and fluorescent orange vests, drinking cans of beer and driving around in oversized trucks. But there is more to it than that, and the faces of people who hunt are...

Editor’s note: Hilary Lempit of EcoAction Partners continues a new series called “Mountain Facts” that is all about answering your questions about the environment and sustainability. This week's installment is about terpenes. [caption id="attachment_35367" align="alignright" width="225"] U.S. Forest Service guide Steve Hirst sniffs a Ponderosa pine during...

When I first heard about the government shutdown, I thought of all those people who would be affected in Washington DC and New York -- all of those people who live in the real world. Those of us living in the west were protected by that...

Editor's Note: We met Erica Stock at an awareness and fundraiser for American Rivers, her employer, and the leading organization working to protect and restore the nation’s rivers and streams. (We are proud supporters.) Erica's driving professional passion is to build the organizational capacity of...

Editor's note: Hilary Lempit of EcoAction Partners launches a new series called "Mountain Facts" that is all about answering your questions about the environment and sustainability. The first question: What makes the aspen trees turn colors? This week is the prime time for leaf-peeping. The cloudless, crisp blue...