
Talking heads report healthcare is top of mind these days, not climate change, though scientists report the world has until 2030 to fix the mess we put ourselves in  – or else. According to a recent article by Mark Tutton and Katy Scott for CNN,...

This may come as no surprise to Telluride locals, but more and more docs are bypassing the traditional apple a day and prescribing time outdoors to heal what ails their patients – and enhance what is already working. Researchers have found that just two hours...

Full season passes, lift tickets, ski and snowboard lessons and nursery products for the Telluride Ski Resort’s 2018/2019 season are available for purchase and a team offering personalized assistance is there to help. Start your journey online at www.tellurideskiresort.com. Note: Full season passes now include additional mountain access as...

Telluride's EcoAction' Partners' Ophir composting program has diverted over 3,000 pounds of food and waste from landfill. For more information about the RREO Grant visit here. Greenlights Program, a rebate program sponsored by the San Miguel Power Association, Telluride Foundation, Ouray and San Miguel Counties, and the...

The 38th annual Telluride Mushroom Festival takes place Thursday, August 16 – Sunday, August 19. The full schedule is here. Migrate around the site to find info on presenters, venues, book-signings etc. Or simply filter by topic or venue. Tickets/passes here.  The Beer Launch takes place Wednesday, August 15, at...

The 38th annual Telluride Mushroom Festival takes place Thursday, August 16 – Sunday, August 19. The full schedule is here. Migrate around the site to find info on presenters, venues, book-signings etc. Or simply filter by topic or venue. Tickets/passes here.  The Gondola Plaza Mushroom Extravaganza, formerly known...

Everyone in the community, locals and guests alike, is invited to join the Telluride Institute's Watershed Education Program staff  for its third summer Valley Floor Living Classroom event. If you plan to FREE attend, please contact Vicki Phelps, Watershed Education Program co-director, at vicki@tellurideinstitute.org or call 928-600-5926. Ever wonder about...