
Editor's note: For two weeks, Telluride Mountain School High School students put aside textbooks and turned their attention to water. With the help of local experts on water and media, they researched, wrote, and presented everything there is to know about Telluride water-- where it...

Editor's note: For two weeks, Telluride Mountain School High School students put aside textbooks and turned their attention to water. With the help of local experts on water and media, they researched, wrote, and presented everything there is to know about Telluride water-- where it...

Editor's note: For two weeks, Telluride Mountain School High School students put aside textbooks and turned their attention to water. With the help of local experts on water and media, they researched, wrote, and presented everything there is to know about Telluride water-- where it...

Editor's note: For two weeks, Telluride Mountain School High School students put aside textbooks and turned their attention to water. With the help of local experts on water and media, they researched, wrote, and presented everything there is to know about Telluride water-- where it...

[caption id="attachment_28994" align="alignright" width="220"] HIggs-boson particle[/caption] Recently, teams of scientists at the Large Hadron Collider have confirmed the existence of the Higgs-Boson particle. The elusive Higgs particle, sensationalized by mainstream media as the “God particle,” briefly revealed itself in 2012 to the delight of physicists around...

[caption id="attachment_9576" align="alignright" width="128"] Jerry Roberts, weather guru[/caption] There is a transitory dry ridge building over western Colorado tonight then a shortwave trough ejects from a Pacific storm bringing clouds by Wednesday morning.  By late Wednesday afternoon the upper flow is westerly favoring the central and...

[caption id="attachment_28958" align="alignright" width="238"] Aquaponics cycle[/caption] We know that the cities are now home to more of us than the country. We know that water issues, particularly here in the West will define much of our future. We know that the current carbon footprint of our...

March 14 to 21, 2013       Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Saturn  Evening: Mercury, Jupiter  Springtime guarantees warmer days and nights, emerging greens and, for those of us here in southwest Colorado, the arrival of the azure-blue western mountain bluebirds. I love being on the front side of...

[caption id="attachment_28788" align="alignright" width="300"] Lettuces, credit http://yearroundharvest.com/tag/organic-gardening/[/caption] In Telluride, it’s still snowy (hurrah!), but here in Washington, DC, it’s starting to feel like spring. The witch hazel is flowering, with its invigorating, refreshing smell, and crocuses and daffodils are starting to brighten the ground with brilliant...

[caption id="attachment_28707" align="alignright" width="112"] Piasecki Shower: Truth: The average shower head uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Dare: Chris Piasecki takes showers in 5 minutes or less.[/caption] EcoAction Partners invites you to join us in celebrating our 48 Truth or Dare participants and the daring...