
Editor's note: Environmental activist and scholar Anna Zivian (see Our Writers for her full and very impressive credentials) continues the new, weekly blog she and Billy Mason are writing for TIO. "Earth Matters" is designed to keep our readers on top of top news about...

How lucky are we to live, work and play here? This past Presidents' Day weekend gave many of us a much welcomed opportunity to catch up on work and play. I got to wear many hats, as usual, but each one was comfortable and warm. Our Telluride-based...

Welcome to Earth Matters. I will be sharing this space weekly with Billy Mason, who will introduce himself in a future column. The essential point is  he and I will be writing for Telluride Inside… and Out on a wide range of issues related to...

Community Response to Building Common Ground #1 plus Transition Our Way The Telluride-based New Community Coalition and the Wilkinson Public Library were thrilled to have such a fantastic turnout and post-presentation dialogue at last week's Building Common Ground and Green Business Roundtable gatherings. Thursday evening, January 2,...

Discussions of Community, Civility and Compassion kick off with Transition to a Slower Future: How Community Resilience and Slow Money could lead to less work and more fun! The Telluride-based New Community Coalition partners with the Wilkinson Public Library to create a Building Common Ground program....

Ongoing Discussions of Community, Civility and Compassion kick off with Transition to a Slower Future: How Community Resilience and Slow Money could lead to less work and more fun The Telluride-based New Community Coalition partners with the Wilkinson Public Library to create a Building Common Ground...

Discussions of Community, Civility and Compassion kicks Off with Transition to a Slower Future:  How Community Resilience and Slow Money could lead to less work and more fun The Telluride-based New Community Coalition partners with the Wilkinson Public Library in "Building Common Ground", a series funded...

With funding from Just For Kids, our Telluride-based New Community Coalition is putting on a Renewable Energy for Educators training in Norwood this Friday. We’ve had lots of fun in the past bringing in the Science Explorers training in which teams of kids and teachers...

Emily Kuehn, our OSM/VISTA offers MLK Volunteer Day workshop and training in basic home energy efficiency in Norwood, Colorado. First, what’s an OSM/VISTA? That’s a Volunteer In Service To America through the Office of Surface Mining! Emily has been with us since last summer, working...