It’s Official! We’re changing our name to EcoAction Partners (EcoAP). We’ve also updated our mission and streamlined our work plan and activities. Our mission is to inspire, initiate, and support collaborative community actions that enhance resilient economic, environmental and social systems. Our 2012 work plan includes three main areas of concentration:

1) Energy- Efficiency, conservation, renewable and green building

2) Resource Recovery and Recycling – reduce, reuse, repair, rethink and recycle

3) Food – Localizing our food supply. These efforts all help to realize the vision of a world where people and their communities partner to enhance local self-reliance and ensure a sustainable future.

Why EcoAction Partners? We wanted a name that better reflected our true role in the region. Eco from the Greek oiko meaning house or home, is the modern root for both ecology and economy – essential elements of sustainability. Action – YES! We want to inspire others to action and engage in appropriate actions ourselves. And Partners are essential for moving forward into a more cooperative paradigm that uses all our collective creativity, passion and skills to create the future we want for ourselves and for future generations.

We’ve updated our logo slightly, signifying that we’ve changed our name but remain committed to current programs like our Green Business Roundtable series (now called EcoAction Roundtable or EAR) and our residential carbon footprint reduction program, the EcoAction Initiative. You’ll still see us doing festival compost, recycling and trash services, and we’ll be crafting and creating new efforts like the Zero Waste Task Force and a local food distribution system.

We have new email addresses and our new website is up and will be fully fleshed out within a few weeks. Thanks to all our supporters throughout the region! We’re glad we could move from a ten syllable name to a six syllable name and appreciate everyone’s patience in learning the new acronym EcoAP (as opposed to TNCC).

Change is a constant in our world – whether it’s a new name or new ways of dreaming and creating the future together.

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