Poets’ Corner: Feela for Mother’s Day (In Memorium)
Mother's Day holds a wholly different meaning for anyone whose mom has passed away. Poems become tributes and hope to offer comfort – like this one from poet (and regular Telluride Inside...
Mother's Day holds a wholly different meaning for anyone whose mom has passed away. Poems become tributes and hope to offer comfort – like this one from poet (and regular Telluride Inside...
Tick tock. It is very nearly time to celebrate Mother’s Day, which is Sunday, May 14. (Although we should celebrate moms everyday.) It is also a day all mom’s who are mindful are reminded of time passing; little hearts growing, then scattering: Where are you going, my little one, little one, Where...
Dr. Haley Perlus is a regular presenter at the Telluride WOW Festival, this year, Thursday, June 8 – Sunday, June 11. This week, the sport and exercise psychology expert talks about refocusing techniques if and when a "what if" moment (inevitably) occurs. In your sport. In life. https://youtu.be/Yf_c7OckjiM About...
With regard to the environment, the news is mostly, well, not so good. In fact, the planet has breached 410 ppm for the first time in history and some scientists are saying we have only 10 years left to save the planet. (EcoWatch, April 13.) But...
"Vanity Fair," a major hit, just extended its run again, this time through May 27, 2017, at the Pearl Theatre. GO! Tickets here. [caption id="attachment_65628" align="aligncenter" width="561"] Kate Hamill is Becky Sharp in her adaptation of Thackeray's masterpiece. Photo courtesy TheatreMania.[/caption] The little man with a big ego and...
Clams on the half shell. Meh. Babes? Now we are talking. Specifically we are talking about Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, nicknamed, Sandro Botticelli (“Little Barrel”) and his most famous painting, 'The Birth of Venus." The iconic image is a celebration of human desire, one of the...
My friend Katherine Stuart writes a wonderful blog,”Best Friend Handbook,” everything from fashion and beauty tips to nutrition and recipes – including recipes for success. In one of her latest blogs, Katherine talks about the importance of staying hydrated. Yes, we know you know the basics, but...
Is being alone (i.e. without your phone, social media, even real friends) a scary thing? Or is your relationship with yourself strong enough to make solitary down time a welcomed way to retune your batteries? In this story from The Atlantic, author Brett Crane explains why, under...
The point of it all is to break down the headlines, the week’s most controversial issues, determine why a particular issue is important and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. In a recent iterations of The Short Version, Cleo Abram explored the question of the attack on Syria....
Turner’s "Modern and Ancient Ports" at The Frick through May 14. “The Great Comet” is now up at The Imperial Theatre. The two shows have little in common other than the timing, early 1800s, circa Napoleon. And both razzzle-dazzle – though very differently. One is hot and leads with knowing...