Beyond Telluride

We all know about yawns. One person opens his or her mouth and creates a chain reaction – which is not good if you are at your kid’s piano recital. But what other behaviors are contagious? Read on. We curated this blog by Carolyn Gregoire from the Huff Post. Certain...

Last week, the subject was contraception. This week, well, it’s tampons. Is Cleo Abram on some sort of  feminist tear? Short answer: Nope. The subtext of her blog last week was really religious institutions and what exemptions they should or should not receive. This week, tampons are surrogates for what we...

Misery wants company. But is the opposite true for people with higher IQs? So says this Huff Post blog by Carolyn Gregoire. Are you an urban-dwelling loner who often prefers staying home with a book to going to a party? If so, psychologists say there could be...

Under the umbrella of Aronson Films, long-time, part-time local Josh Aronson made MTV videos, television pilots and specials and over 500 commercials before turning to documentaries in 1999. The multi-talented filmmaker is also a high-level amateur concert pianist, who regularly performs chamber music in New York City (his...

Last week, Cleo Abram talked about the ripples in the water across the pond: Brits are split about whether to stay or exit the European Union. This week the big issue is closer to home: contraception is once again – or still–  making waves. Check out Cleo’s incisive summary in "The Short...

Denver’s Curious Theatre Company’s now featuring “Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue,” through April 23. Tickets here. [caption id="attachment_57873" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Antonio Mercado in Curious Theatre Company’s “Elliot: A Soldier’s Fugue."[/caption]   War is "over there." It comes back to us in an odd fashion, in meaningless glimpses—a returning veteran being honored at...

Kristin Taylor. Her name rhymes with the Telluride Yoga Center, where she is co-owner and beloved teacher. We all know Kristin can bend like a pretzel. But did you know she could bend a phrase with equal aplomb and dexterity? Kristin has been traveling this...

Justice Antonin Scalia died February 13. Almost immediately a firestorm erupted around his replacement and the timing of same. Please scroll down for more on the “Supreme Court Nomination” from the deeply informed, deeply insightful Cleo Abram, writing in this week’s "The Short Version," her regular blog. [caption id="attachment_57415" align="aligncenter" width="600"]...

Kristin Taylor. Her name rhymes with the Telluride Yoga Center, where she is co-owner and beloved teacher. We all know Kristin can bend like a pretzel. But did you know she could bend a phrase with equal aplomb and dexterity? Kristin has been traveling this...