Beyond Telluride

On The List of promises you made to yourself for 2018, along with thinner might have been richer. Towards the latter goal, we curated this story by Ann Brenoff from the Huff Post: "The Best Financial Moves You Can Make in 2018." [caption id="attachment_71892" align="aligncenter" width="600"]...

"Detroit 67" is now up at Denver’s Curious Theatre Company through February 24, 2018. Tickets here. Our Denver theater critic, award-winning author Mark Stevens, reviews the production. [caption id="attachment_72262" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Jada Suzanne Dixon as Chelle (left) and Hasiea Gray as Bunny, courtesy Curious Theatre Company.[/caption] In the...

[caption id="attachment_72211" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Down Colorado Avenue[/caption] On the 1st anniversary of the Women's March, January 20 & January 21, thousands gathered in major metro areas and small towns like Telluride across the globe, from New York City to Cheyenne, Wyoming, from Washington to Rome. According...

Remember it's a New Year now? Of course you do. The holidaze are, amen, behind us, but they were a time when your lists had babies – including your Big List of New Year's resolutions. If getting better at remembering was one of your resolves,...

On January 2017, an estimated 3 million people  – women, men, children – participated in 500 sister marches around the world. L.A. had between a half million and three-quarters of a million. New York had almost a half million. Chicago had a quarter million. And Telluride? About...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important, and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. Recently Cleo addressed the subject of labor unions and asked: Should companies be required to negotiate with contractors' unions? She...

Reading the title of one of his latest Sunday Op Ed piece for The New York Times, you might be tempted to call him a cockeyed optimist, but renowned journalist-author Nicholas Kristof is a just a truth-teller. Read his "Why 2017 Was the Best Year...

Don't remember if we ever published a blog about toning our memory muscle. In the following story for The New York Times Henry Alford talks about which techniques for empowering the power of recall work. And which don't. Here in the valley of my mid-50s, I...

If one of your New Year's Resolutions is to take action where you can to make a difference, writing for EcoWatch, Cassie Kelly outlines "10 Ways to Be a better Environmental Steward in 2018." Protecting the natural environment may seem overwhelming with increased natural disasters, melting sea...

If the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is, urr, pressing your buttons, you might be up for some good news. Rachel Cleetus, the lead economist and climate policy manager with the Climate and Energy program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, is guardedly optimistic about...