Beyond Telluride

No matter how darn organized you are, it is likely there is at least one person on your Christmas shopping list who has stopped you dead in your (very tired by now) tracks. As will this poem by regular contributor and razor-sharp wit David Feela...

Google “last minute Xmas gifts” and 100s of ideas show up, among my favorites: a gift of your time, like offering to babysit for your friends’ progeny; tickets to a sporting event or concert; a charitable donation in a friend or loved one’s name; or...

Family, Fun, Football and Feast! The start of the holiday trifecta in nut shell: Thanksgiving. Question on the (groaning) table: What are you grateful for? Who will you miss at your banquet? Regular contributor and poet extraordinaire Word Woman Rosemerry Trommer answers with her moving...

Thanksgiving. The holiday evolved into a story of traditions old and new, a day of family, friends old and upcoming, feasting and football. While all that is good, is it good enough? Shouldn’t Thanksgiving be about more, a day to forget about horrifying headlines and...

No doubt John Patrick Shanley is one dark dude,  who writes himself on to the stage - just like painters tend to paint bits and pieces of  their inner selves onto canvas. Born in the Bronx in 1950, Shanley likes to call attention to his...

Located at 51st Street and 11th Avenue, the Irish Arts Center (IAC)  is well worth checking out the next time you are in New York City. No blarney. And our pre-show dinner at Sesamo also deserved a round of applause. Read on for details.. Go here...

To date we have visited The Met, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), Cooper Hewitt, Neue Galerie, Jewish Museum and the Frick Collection with mixed responses. If your time in New York is limited, see "Manet/Degas," Matisse and Derain in the Fauve show, and early Buddhist...

Things that go bump on the mountain? Who in Telluride doesn’t like moguls? Things that go bump in the night? Also a familiar, though perhaps less welcomed occurrence in town, where ghosts are known to haunt some of our favorite, well, haunts: the New Sheridan...