Beyond Telluride

Telluride-based Original Thinkers is a fresh and thoughtful ideas festival regularly scheduled for September 30 – October 3, 2021, in Telluride. The weekend generally features 10 programs, each built around a particular idea explored through a compelling mix of speakers, films, performance, and art. The program typically delves into...

Mother’s Day seems harmless enough. Treat mom to brunch. Buy flowers. Good times.But the story of the modern holiday – celebrated on Sunday in the United States and many other nations –is rife with controversy, conflict, and consumerism run amok. Internet research turned up the...

San Miguel County announces that May 1 is the national target for general public vaccine eligibility. Face coverings and continued precautions remain necessary; July 4 timeline for near-normal small gatherings For corona vaccine info, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid...

We curated this excellent article by Todd Neff from UCHealth Today. The title: "Should you wear a double mask?" Neff goes on to say: "Wearing a double mask, knotting and tucking surgical masks may reduce aerosols more, but wearing one mask correctly is half the battle." For...

Telluride-based Original Thinkers is a fresh and thoughtful ideas festival regularly scheduled for early October in Telluride. The weekend generally features 10 programs, each built around a particular idea explored through a compelling mix of speakers, films, performance, and art. The program typically delves into the human...

My friend Katherine Stuart writes a wonderful blog,”Best Friend Handbook,” everything from fashion and beauty tips to nutrition and recipes – including recipes for success in life – which she feels are ramped up by practicing gratitude every single day. This week, Katherine talks about medical grade...

San Miguel County to remain in Level Orange due to sustained community spread. The state has announced several modifications to the COVID-19 Dial Framework, Dial 2.0, in effect as of Saturday, February 6 at 9 am MST. The adjustments include a change in metrics and the...