Beyond Telluride

The Telluride Gallery of Fine Art has mounted a show of the work of the iconic American photographer Dan Budnik, a man close to The Man whose name rhymes with the Civil Rights movement: Martin Luther King. The collection captures Martin Luther King Jr. in action from...

On Dec. 4, 2017, newly elected President Donald Trump decided to shrink the Bears Ears region of southern Utah, downsizing by 85 percent (or more than a million acres) a monument sacred to the Zuni, Hopi and other Pueblo tribes, who migrated to its canyons and...

On Saturday January 19, 2019, 10–11 a.m., the Women's March comes to Montrose, Colorado. March from Demoret Park
, 246 W Main Street, corner of Main & Townsend (meet at 9:30a.m.). Speakers at Centennial Plaza, 422 S 1st Street (March finish), 11 a.m. - noon. March...

Barrett Jones is a clinical pharmacologist who studied at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas. He currently works in a chemistry laboratory in Columbia University (where he also lecturers occasionally) investigating how pharmaceuticals interact with our biological systems. Jones specializes in and is passionate about how...

Climate change challenges facing the world in the New Year leaving you feeling blorft? (Check out Tina Fey.) Here's an antidote: some good news from Jeff Deyette and the Union of Concerned Scientists to start off the new year. We curated this story from EcoWatch. Despite...

When it comes to Big Surprises, nothing, err, trumps the Telluride Film Festival, which has managed to keep the names of the films and special guests on its annual program a secret until the cat is finally let out of the bag over Labor Day...

Just days into 2019 are you still resolved to become other than who you were in 2018? Often we make those annual promises to ourselves only to break them. Here's what Mark Twain had to say on the subject: "New Year's Day now is the accepted time...

Remember the 21-year-old, disaffected hero who starred in the blockbuster film "The Graduate"? Ben was portrayed as smart but aimless, so a well-meaning friend of the family suggested there was a great future in plastics. What was true in 1967 now lands squarely in the...

Tired of the holidaze by now, from Christmas to Chaunukah to Kwanzaa? Well then rest assured, there is one seasonal event that unites us all regardless of religious (or not) background or ethnicity: New Year's Eve. About the last Big Event of the holiday trifecta,...

The term solstice means “sun stands still.” On the year’s two solstices (winter and summer) the sun appears to halt in its incremental journey across the sky and change little in position during this time. Of course, contrary to appearances from Earth, the sun’s “changing...