Beyond Telluride

“Spring has sprung, The Grass has riz, I wonder where the birdies is? The little bird is on the wing, But that’s absurd!  Because the wing is on the bird!” (Ode to Spring) “For the birds…” "According to Robert Claiborne in Loose Cannons and Red Herrings, the expression refers to city streets...

Our recent weekend in Denver proved that getting high in the Mile High City does not necessarily twin with cannabis and vaporizers. At the end of the cultural banquet that defined our romantic getaway, we did indeed inhale – the pure oxygen of gratitude. Home base was...

This is the week that is for TED Talks and simulcast TEDxTelluride Live, produced by Katrine and Bill Formby. “At our TEDxTellurideLive event, TEDTalks video featuring dynamic speakers should spark deep discussion and connection in a small group,” explains Katrine. For more on the local get together to celebrate “Ideas...

Color is the backdrop of our lives. And the colors we surround ourselves with in daily life affect us profoundly. And they affected history. Writing in the Huff Post, Todd Van Luling talks about “8 Things You Didn’t Know About Color That Almost Too Ridiculous To Be...

In 2012, bestselling author, National Geographic Fellow (and hottie) Dan Buettner spoke at Mountainfilm in Telluride. His subject, the blissful “Blue Zones”: places where cultures live longest and happiest, two separate universes, but with distinct overlaps. One common thread: being part of a community. On Superbowl...

Super Bowl Sunday is all about consumption: we eat up Clydesdales and cuddly pups; gyrating half-time babes; oh yes, the machinations of two outstanding teams, the Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots in a balls out (fully inflated) effort to win XLIX – and lots of chips and dips. How...

Last summer, the Telluride Playwright Festival featured a new work by the nonprofit's artistic director Jennie Franks. Jennie's play,"Ayn/Sister," is about the Russian-American novelist, philosopher, playwright, and screenwriter Ayn Rand, whose sister pays her a surprise visit from the Soviet Union of the 1970s. The goal of the Telluride Playwrights Festival is...

  [caption id="attachment_47968" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Evening, Kaneohe Bay[/caption] Not long after we finished our marathon run around America in early November, Sus and I decided we wanted to take a "warm break" this winter. Susan hasn't done much downhill skiing the past few seasons, favoring x-country, so...

[caption id="attachment_47882" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Entry, La Posada[/caption] What does a giant crater in Arizona’s painted desert have to do with a grande dame of a hotel? Not much. Yet. Sooner or later the Winslow Arts Trust will establish a major museum that will include a Sky Space by iconic...