Beyond Telluride

The Telluride AIDS Benefit begins Friday, February 19, 6-9 p.m. with the Student Fashion Show at Telluride’s Palm Theater. The Sneak Peek Fashion Show follows on Thursday February 25, 8 - 10 p.m. at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village. TAB’s art auction takes...

This story about “The State of AIDS” was written by Kevin Robert Frost, Chief Executive Officer of amFAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. [caption id="attachment_56936" align="aligncenter" width="360"] Kevin Robert Frost of amFAR[/caption] As we enter the 35th year of the AIDS epidemic, there’s good news and there’s bad...

[caption id="attachment_56899" align="alignright" width="225"] Moving day[/caption] My cold arrived the same day that the moving boxes arrived. Of course it did. It made sense in some kind of perverse world order that at the same time that I was that packing up the home that had...

Denver’s Curious Theatre Company’s ‘Sex With Strangers,” through February  20, 2016. Tickets here. [caption id="attachment_56655" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Paige Price as Olivia and Michael Kingsbaker as Ethan in Curious Theatre Company’s “Sex With Strangers."[/caption] “Sex With Strangers” is deliciously funny play about the pros and cons of self-publishing. It’s about art...

My favorite time to go to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) is NEVER. And especially not during the rush of the busy holiday season. So when I was informed that I’d have to return to the DMV and retake the driver’s test because my...

I have to admit. When I discovered my older daughter Siri had a weekend-long hockey tournament in Vail, I wasn’t thrilled. Time is precious. But it is especially precious during the holiday season when there are cards to mail, cookies to make, and parties to...

You  know how it can be with all the family gathered together over the holidays. One wrong move, one smart (read snarky) remark and someone leaves the table in tears. The whole game changes, however, if everyone stays put and tears are from laughter. Found these laugh-out-loud jokes in...

[caption id="attachment_55177" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Dawn, San Francisco from Sausalito[/caption] In a world where so many politicians are thought to prostitute themselves for power and money, the question on the table is this: Would she be a viable candidate for public office today? Born Mabel Busby in Baker, Oregon...

Food and Health Editor Kate Bratskeir of the Huffington Post touts four good reasons why everyone should lose the pjs and sleep naked. Only about 8 percent of Americans doze off in their birthday suits, but many more should consider going to bed in the buff....

“Marcus; or The Secret of Sweet” runs through December 19 at Denver's Curious Theatre Company. Tickets here. [caption id="attachment_55089" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Curious Theatre Company’s “Marcus,” image Curious Theatre Company[/caption] The third installment of Tarrell Alvin McCraney’s Brother/Sister trilogy starts with another stunning moment at the Curious Theatre. You...