16 Jun Poets’ Corner: Feela for Father’s Day
To honor the memory of his father – and friend who was a father who just past – on Father’s Day, David Feela choose to continue a tradition scholars say might have emerged from Babylonian ruins, where upon a 4,000 years ago, a boy named Elmesu supposedly carved a message of good health and long life to his dad on a card made out of clay.

David Feela
the Cosmos
“Our journey through the galaxy was short-lived, but upon its end
we realized it was just the beginning of many such journeys.” ~ Ray Harriman (1956-2017)
Only a few hours left
before sunrise and the stars
require more scaffolding.
Ladders and long wooden planks
lay in short stacks beside the house.
A thin layer of dust
covers the patio.
The nails and screws
that once held the sky in place
lie scattered on the ground.
No child around,
everyone in bed
until the sun
makes an appearance,
but for most of night
the finishing goes on.
Expectations align themselves
to an additional reality,
an inch and a half adjustment
so the moon won’t
come crashing down.
A strip of redwood
to cover that crack
where clouds are usually enough.
A father lives here, he knows
what it’s like to be working
but never quite done.
A few final touches
and he’ll grab something to eat.
Maybe a few hours sleep
if not aroused
by some gawd-awful noise.
Likely the sound of a planet
scraping at the edge of its orbit
or some crazy meteor
streaking across a cold morning sky.
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