
April 14 to 21, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Venus   Evening: Saturn "May God bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true…"        Bob Dylan, Forever Young Spring has sprung and throughout the Northern Hemisphere we see the season emerging in shades of green. Budding...

Timmy O'Neill leads the faithful, 2010 After record attendance and extraordinary critical acclaim last year, Mountainfilm in Telluride is poised for yet another bumper year. Even prior to the announcement of officially accepted films, the festival is garnering more interest, inquiries, support and sales than...

April 7 to 15, 2011Visible Planets: Morning: Venus  Evening: Saturn The Primal Power of Aries: Season of the Emerging Self Springtime off-season has officially arrived in Telluride. The ski mountain has closed and blustery days of howling wind, spitting snow and sleeting rain now fall...

Extended List of Activists, Artists and Adventurers Includes Tim DeChristopher, Greg Mortenson    Tim DeChristopher In keeping with the 2011 Moving Mountains Symposium theme of “Awareness into Action,” Mountainfilm in Telluride announced a series of special guests that Festival Director David Holbrooke says, “have all...