
[click “Play”, William Missouri Downs and Susan talk about “Forgiving John Lennon”]   “Forgiving John Lennon” is the featured production at  the 5th annual Telluride Playwrights Festival, July 13 – July 17, at venues around town. “Forgiving John Lennon” takes place at the historic Sheridan...

Since 1984, the Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC), has been dedicated to providing meeting services for scientists. TSRC’s mission is to inspire substantive scientific inquiry, breakthroughs, and discoveries by hosting scientific meetings in an open environment conducive to productive collaboration and positive contributions to research,...

By Elisabeth Gick   What makes the Compassion Festival a festival rather than a conference or symposium? The short answer is that a festival is more fun than a conference. There is art, there is food, there are things to look at, touch, hear, smell...

June 23 to 30, 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars and Jupiter  Evening: Saturn "There are so many ways to implode or suffer these days. But every once in awhile we enjoy a small respite… In such a ritual-poor society as ours, sometimes, very occasionally,...