
[click “Play”, Todd Altshuler talks about Telluride Jazz and “Icons Among Us”] Telluride Inside… and Out has talked about the many and different ways the town’s five-star Wilkinson Public Library is definitely not your mother’s library. Conventional descriptors like “staid” and “quiet” just don’t apply....

[click “Play” to hear the final interview about Christmas with Rev. Pat Bailey]   kicker: Final interview of series on Christmas Eve. Merry holiday. Telluride Inside… and Out continues with its mini-series about Christmas, interviewing Reverend Pat Bailey of Telluride’s Christ Church on the subject...

[click “Play” to hear Wade Davis’ conversation with Susan]   In Telluride, simply saying “Wade Davis” is like incanting “Open Sesame,” the name unlocking doors of the mind. Mountainfilm in Telluride executive director Peter Kenworthy described Davis as a “Renaissance man,” a defensive move, because...