It’s easy to fall into a slump in a ski town when it doesn’t snow. The buzz around town is gloomy, and all anyone can talk about is why the storms aren’t coming. Global warming? Arctic pressure? La Nina?
But one great activity you can still do this winter is ice-skate at the outdoor rink at Town Park. Last Friday, our family ended up there for a birthday party.
In truth, I wasn’t looking forward to the event. The cold temperatures and lack of snow made me want to hole up in my house like a bear and watch movies until the weather thawed, and we could officially write off this winter as a wash.
But as everyone at the party discovered, the outdoor rink was the place to be on a Friday afternoon. Everyone had a blast zooming around on skates and tugging each other on sleds. When we tired, the adults drank beers while the kids played in the warming hut. Then we all ate pizza. There was even a piñata to split open at the end.
Even without the party as an excuse, I think many of us will be returning to that rink soon. It was the first time in a while that I’d been to a kid event where everyone had fun. There were no tears, and the adults got a chance to kick back and catch up—a rarity in the world of small children.
Plus, the rink party got us all out of our snowless funk. As the last little bits of copper light left the peaks and the full moon rose over Ajax, there seemed to be a collective sigh. It was a gorgeous night, perhaps the first moment of beauty any of us had noticed in a while. We remembered why we love this place. Even without snow, Telluride is an astounding place to be. And we get to call it home. Sometimes, it just takes a few friends and play outside with children to remember that. See you at the rink.
If you want to head to the rink:
1. The outdoor rink and warming hut are open from 9AM- 9 PM daily
2. Bring lots of layers and helmets.
3. Skates can be rented at the Nordic Center until 4PM—$7 for kids; $10 for adults.
4. Sleds were a bonus rink-side activity when kids tired.
5. A thermos of hot cocoa can make you a hero for the night.
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