
July 22 to 29, 2010   Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn Summer Eclipse Cycles, Lion-Hearted Love and Evolutionary Fellowship On Sunday, July 25th @ 7:37 p.m. MDT, the July 11th New Moon solar eclipse cycle comes to fruition in the opposition...

July 8 to 15, 2010 Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse reminds us to "Honor thy Mother" This week, on July 11th, the Sun and Moon come together @ 19º24’ Cancer in the exact planetary aspect...

Telluride Inside… and Out continues its series of articles featuring principals of Crow Canyon Archaeological Center speaking about subjects relating to the archaeology of southwest Colorado. In this post, Dr. Scott Ortman talks about patterns in pottery following patterns in weaving baskets and blankets, and...