Dream Interpretation workshop at Ah Haa 2/10-13/2010

Dream Interpretation workshop at Ah Haa 2/10-13/2010

[click “Play”, Susan speaks with Marc and Christa]

MarcChristaSM.book_embed The world of dreams is as mysterious as it is fascinating, a place mundane rules of reality do not  apply. Hmm… Sounds a bit like Telluride, a decidedly dreamy place. Day and night, in winter in Telluride we dream of powder. But what other thoughts run through our subconscious minds when we turn off the lights? And what do our dreams mean?

Other individuals may share elements of our backgrounds, but their experiences are never exactly the same. No one else feels exactly as we feel or reacts as we react. Our dreams are connected to our unique reality, and have the power to unite body, mind, and spirit. But do my chase dreams mean the same thing as yours? What abut falling dreams? Flying dreams? Naked dreams? Dreams about murder and mayhem? What about recurring themes in dreams?

Like backcountry trails, these constellations of archetypal images trying to speak through us are best explored with a guide.

Thursday, February 10 – Sunday, February 13, the Ah Haa School for the Arts and North of Eden present  “Unfolding the Soul: Promise of Archetypal Dreamwork,” a four-day experiential workshop with Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster.

Marc founded Archetypal Dreamwork in 1973 and is the co-founder/co-director with Christa Lancaster of North of Eden and the Center for Archetypal Dreamwork in Vermont, where local author Amy Irvine (“Trepass: Living at the Edge of the Promised Land”) does her dreamwork therapy.

Amy’s new book, “Terra Firma,” is based on her experiences with Marc and Christa’s archetypal dreamwork. Friday night, February 12, 6:30 p.m., Between the Covers book store, Amy, Marc and Christa plan readings from their latest works, including excerpts from their joint work in progress.

For a preview of what’s in story at the workshop and the reading, click the “play” button and listen to my interview with Marc and Christa.

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