
July 12 to 19, 2012      Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn Last Sunday I watched Ziggy Marley perform at the annual KOTO DooDah in the Telluride Town Park. When we left our house in the West End that afternoon, the...

July 5 to 12, 2012    Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn It finally rained here yesterday. The forests, fields and gardens are grateful, as am I. After weeks of cloudless skies, super-hot days and unusually warm nights, it looks like...

June 28 to July 5, 2012   Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Mars and Saturn Fire and brimstone, apocalyptic heat, images of a world burning out of control. That’s what we’ve been dealing with these days in Colorado. And it couldn’t be more...

June 21 to 28, 2012  Visible Planets: Morning: Venus & Jupiter  Evening: Mercury, Mars & Saturn Breakdowns and breakthroughs, tragedy and ecstasy, love and war. Music, mountains and muses, madness and mayhem, magic and magnificence… We have reached the halfway point to winter solstice 2012,...