
[click “Play”, Susan speaks to “Auntie Graffiti” (Jane Goren)] Think of Auntie Graffiti as Telluride’s answer to Auntie Mame: madcap, irreverent, fun-loving, funny, and free-spirited. Her thing is traveling the world painting portraits on paper toilet seat covers, though, like Mame, she is a scandalizer,...

August 26 to September 2, 2010Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and SaturnMen and women, Mars and Venus, the masculine and feminine… Life is all about balance and polarity. Night and day, dark and light, good and bad, boy and girl. We are individual...

August 12 to 19, 2010Visible Planets: Morning: Jupiter  Evening: Venus, Mars and SaturnThe Perseid Meteor Shower peaks on the night of Aug. 12th/13th and I can hardly believe it. This perennial stellar event heralds, for me, the beginning of the end of summer – and...