
The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had one. So did movie critic Gene Shallit. Oh, and Fu Manchu and Albert Einstein. Ok, so none of the above were fashion icons. But Burt Reynolds and the occasional Malboro Man were in their day. So are ‘staches really making a comeback...

November 6 to 13, 2014                Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Jupiter     Evening: Mars In the name of the Father Sky, Mother Earth and Great Spirit… We have so much to be grateful for. The magnificent planet upon which we spiral through the Galaxy gives us everything...

October 30 to November 6, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter                 Evening: Mars, Saturn Halloween. All Hallowed Eve. Witches fly and spirits rise. The veil between the worlds of life and death grows thin. Fires are kindled and shadows dance as silver moonlight falls upon sleek...