
  Telluride Inside… and Out is proud to feature the Telluride Medical Center’s MEDICAL MOMENT, a weekly column that answers common medical questions in pop culture. Have a question for the doctors? Click here to send. Dr. Simon Kotylar answers this week’s question: My child has a fever, what should I...

October 8 to 15, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter     Evening: Saturn October 12th marks the day of 2015’s annual Libra New Moon and begins the year’s most auspicious lunar month to reboot, rebirth and renew existing relationships, as well as initiate new...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with weekly tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” This week Haley talks about perfection, the greatest excuse for never achieving your goals. In sports. In life. About Dr. Haley Perlus: The event wears its name like a glove: “WOW.”  The...