Sculptor Antonio Marra‘s early sculptures were figurative bronzes – but don’t think Rodin’s “The Thinker.” Don’t think traditional at a
Don’t miss these upcoming exhibition opportunities at Telluride’s Ah Haa School for the Arts. Whether an open exhibition, juried show, or private space rental, there are a vari
There’s something especially satisfying about making your own holiday gifts. Not only is it a fun escape to indulge in a few hours of art making, but it’s equally fun to give a
Looked outside lately? There’s snow in the high country (yippee!!) and at times, on the ground. T-shirt weather is definitely over – at least as far as anyone can say anyth
“Having been interested in painting the figure for most of my artistic life, I hope to create an emotional response in each piece. Inventing new ways of looking at our oldes
The Site: A Phoenix It’s Bilbao all over again, a story of a museum reviving a surrounding town. Starting in colonial times, North Adams was a prosperous place of wholesale
When we see performances around town, we often notice the splendid artwork and backdrops that share the stage. Too often that artwork is quickly packed up or worse, painted over, a
A funny thing happened on the way to the Chagall show at the Jewish Museum. The door to the artist’s darker works – read not all fiddlers on the roof and weightless couples
Listen to Open Art Radio on KOTO from 12-1 p.m. on Thursday, October 3rd to hear interviews with the artists. All good things must come to an end. Thursday, October 3, is the la
Magritte (through January 12, 2014): What you see is not necessarily what you get. What you see is a pipe. But the label says: “Ceci n’est pas une pipe.” “T
Friday evening, September 20, The Denver Theatre District and Denver Digerati conclude one of the most innovative and unique summer art programs with the highly anticipated Friday
“Revelation through concealment,” art critic David Bourdan About Christo: Over 40 years, Christo and his wife and artistic partner Jeanne-Claude (now deceased) became w
They came. They saw. They painted. “They” were Plein Air artists selected through a juried process, their work (along with a biography) vetted by a panel of artists, ga
Still trawling the Internet daily. And today I came across a familiar name. Ben Knight was a photographer at the Daily Planet when I worked there (which I did for 15 years). He was
Shake your head in disbelief. Or clap your hands for joy. Makes no never mind. Telluride does indeed have one more festival, this one artfully woven into town’s packed summer
Rob Schultheis grew up on the Pacific Rim, in Hong Kong, Manila, and locales still classified, where his father was C.I.A. Chief of Station. After graduating with an M.A. in Anthr