08 Jan Ah Haa Moment: New Works by Regional Artists

Daniel Tucker Gallerrtists must reside (full or part time) in the Telluride vicinity, or nearby: Ophir, Rico, Placerville, Norwood, Naturita, Paradox, Ridgway or Ouray.
If you live within 100 miles of Telluride as the crow flies, you can (and should) participate!
Telluride is well known as a fertile environment for artists, with a variety of exhibition venues and galleries. But there isn’t one space able to accommodate a large number of artists in a variety of mediums in one show – with the sole exception of the Ah Haa School’s Daniel Tucker Gallery.
Ah Haa’s big February exhibition will offer an overview of the regions’ best artists presenting their very best work in what the school hopes will be a very large, diverse show.
A call for artists has gone out for “New Work by Regional Artists,” a juried show set to open on Thursday, February 6. The deadline for submission is Friday, January 24.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve had an exhibition that included all of our regional art community,” noted Ah Haa Director, Judy Kohin. “It will be exciting to see new work and I encourage all regional artists to apply.”
The spacious Daniel Tucker Gallery, located in the west wing of the historic Depot Building, is the perfect setting for what already promises to be a diverse collection of fabric and metal arts, jewelry, paintings, photographs, ceramics and more. By day, the gallery is shot through with natural light, and the high ceilings and expansive wall space are perfect for larger works.
Kohin is asking artists to reach deep within their respective wells of creativity to submit work that expands their boundaries.
“We’d like to see everyone’s strongest work,” she said. “Perhaps something new and different. “Something they may have been thinking of making, and now is the time and a great opportunity.”
Kohin emphasizes that the work doesn’t need to be for sale, noting that the pressure of creating “sell-able” work can be limiting.
The show’s sole jurist is arts maven and former Telluride resident Amy Kimberly. Kimberly’s affinity for the arts has resonated throughout her life. In Telluride she owned and operated Fly Me to the Moon Saloon in its heyday, sharing her passion for live music with the community. She also served for a time as director of Telluride Arts (formerly the Telluride Council for the Arts and Humanities). Now living in Carbondale, Colorado, Kimberly is director of the Carbondale Council for the Arts and has been active in that town’s thriving arts community. “Ms. Moon,” as some still call her, will select works for the exhibit out of all the applications. She will also select the top three pieces, or “Best of Show.” Those works will receive cash prizes for the honor – $500 for first, $300 for second and $150 for third. A People’s Choice will also be awarded during the opening-night reception.
Kohin is eagerly looking forward to a flood of submissions from around the region. Opening night of the exhibit, Thursday, February 6, coincides with Telluride Art Walk, which takes place in galleries and other art-loving venues throughout town on the first Thursday of each month (excluding May and November). It is a festive and lively night, with many galleries hosting artist’s receptions and first-time exhibits.
For more information about and to submit work for Ah Haa’s New Work by Regional Artists exhibit, please visit: www.ahhaa.org and click on the icon that reads “Call For Artists.” Or, call 970-728-3886.
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