
San Miguel County Public Health puts out the word: Plague cases common in summer amongst domestic and wild animals; rare cases of transmission to humans. If you or someone you know has been in contact with an infected rodent, wild or domestic animal and is experiencing...

San Miguel County and the Town of Telluride have begun the process of rezoning the recently announced Diamond Ridge land acquisition from Forestry, Agriculture, and Open (F) to Community Housing (CH). At the County Planning Commission hearing, held on April 21, 2022, numerous public comments...

With HARC's approval in place, learn more about investing in the future of the Telluride Transfer Warehouse by visiting Telluride Arts' website. Go here to learn more about the Giving Levels. Go here to email about setting up a meeting with Telluride Art's director Kate Jones. Go here...

Telluride local Dr. Alan Safdi is a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine. He posts regularly on Telluride Inside… and Out under the banner of “To Your Health." Dr. Alan's blogs feature the most current information in his...

San Miguel County Public Health: Contact tracing scales back as focus shifts to monitoring and preparedness. For the most up-to-date schedule of vaccine clinics, visit the vacine page on the county COVID website. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go...

San Miguel County Public Health puts out the word: FDA and CDC approve second booster for adults 50 and older and immunocompromised people 12 and older. For the most up-to-date schedule of vaccine clinics, visit the vacine page on the county COVID website. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus...

A grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is helping Telluride Regional Medical Center create a more inclusive environment for LGBTQ patients. The medical center received the $25,000 grant in the fall of 2021 to address health disparities and inequities, and better...

Support the Telluride Medical Center’s COVID Fund here. Register for vaccine here. For more information surrounding the state’s COVID-19 dial, visit here. For additional Telluride Medical Center (TMC) information on COVID, go here The following is a note from the Telluride Med Center’s Licensed Behavioral Health Counselor, Lindsay Wright, about how to tell the...

San Miguel County Public Health offers tips for testing and preparing to travel this spring.   For the most up-to-date schedule of vaccine clinics, visit the vacine page on the county COVID website. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go...