
San Miguel County puts out the word: Delta variant and slowing vaccine uptake lead to highest positivity and hospitalization rates since winter. For corona vaccine info, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go here. Cases of COVID-19...

At the Telluride Transfer Warehouse on Tuesday, July 27th, Telluride Science hosts its sixth and final Town Talk of the summer 2021 season: “Vital Signs- Healthy Air, Climate, and Environmental Equity in Cities.” Cash bar and doors opens at 6:00pm; the hour-long program begins at 6:30pm.  (**Inclement weather prompts a...

The Town of Mountain Village, the entity that owns and operates the iconic Telluride Mountain Village Gondola, is reminding the community and our visitors that masks are required for anyone over the age of 2 entering the terminals and riding. To submit any questions/comments, the public...

Weld County mosquitoes indicate the virus is present and circulating throughout the state. For corona vaccine info, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go here. Last week, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced...

Part-time Telluride local, Dr. Alan Safdi, is a world-renowned internist and gastroenterologist with encyclopedic knowledge of mind-body wellness and preventative medicine. He posts regularly on Telluride Inside… and Out under the banner of “To Your Health." Dr. Alan's blogs feature the most current information in...

U.S. News and World Report scores counties based on 10 categories that drive community health. For corona vaccine info, visit here. For up-to-date coronavirus information, visit here. For free coronavirus testing opportunities, visit here. For all Covid blogs from San Miguel County, go here. Last week, the US News and World Report, in collaboration...

We curated this excellent article by Todd Neff from UCHealth Today. The title: "Vaccines work well against COVID-19 Delta variant!" [caption id="attachment_93977" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Dr. Richard Zane was thrilled to receive his first dose of a new COVID-19 vaccine. Colorado’s hospitalization rates, while improving, were among the...